Defectos y Enfermedades de la Papa

Potato production through zero-tillage with straw mulch (PZTM)
Diciembre 28, 2023

CIP Introduces Zero Tillage Potato Farming Innovation in India, Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Peru

Zero tillage not only boosts soil fertility and raises carbon stocks but also prolongs the potato growing season by harnessing the residual moisture after the rice harvest.
A, Virus particles visualized in the transmission electron microscope (TEM); scale bar equals 100 nm. B, Electrophoretic migration pattern of nucleic acid extracted from purified virions of the virus coded SB26/29.
Diciembre 22, 2023

Potato rugose stunting virus, a newly characterized potato virus

In the 1990s, a previously uncharacterized disease of viral aetiology was observed in cultivated potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) in Southern Peru.
Farmers show the potato fields affected by late blight attack in Machhiwara block of Ludhiana.
Diciembre 21, 2023

Late blight damages potato crop in Punjab, India

In a full-blown attack by the disease late blight, more than 50% potato crop in the fields has suffered extensive damage, leading to heavy losses for the farmers who had opted for diversification instead of growing wheat after paddy.
Diciembre 21, 2023

Europatat calls for information about ongoing projects to control the spread of wireworms

Europatat, the European Potato Association, is calling upon researchers and industry professionals to share information about ongoing research, and any other related activities which will help to control the spread of wireworms in potatoes.
Sostenibilidad: la nueva vanguardia entre los obtentores de variedades como HZPC
Diciembre 11, 2023

Sostenibilidad: la nueva vanguardia entre los obtentores de variedades como HZPC

La sostenibilidad de las variedades de papa es el nuevo horizonte para los obtentores como HZPC.
Wireworms overwinter just below the frost line, at least three feet underground.
Diciembre 02, 2023

Beyond Insecticide: How wireworm behaviour gives clues to managing their population

Wireworms are a common potato plant predator, living in soil and feeding on roots. They are notoriously difficult to control, and populations are increasing in farm fields across Canada
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Rob Sears hopes his bioengineered potato radiation sensors will open the door to future innovations in organic technology. Image courtesy UTIA.
Noviembre 29, 2023

UTIA PhD Student Bioengineers Potato Plant to Detect Gamma Radiation

PhD student Rob Sears engineered the potato plant, also known as a phytosensor, to indicate high radiation levels through changing leaf fluorescence.
HCİP210, newly launched potato variety suitable for Vietnam
Noviembre 27, 2023

HZPC and CIP develop an early-maturing potato variety suitable for Vietnam: HCIP210

Vietnam has just welcomed a new potato variety HCIP210 developed through a public-private partnership.
Zsofia Szendrei, professor in MSU's Department of Entomology
Noviembre 13, 2023

Research team led by MSU scientist receives USD 6 million USDA grant to study pest-management strategies for potato systems

A research team has received a USD 6 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) to study insect pest management strategies for United States potato production systems.
Una serie de algoritmos pueden identificar de manera rápida y precisa la marchitez temprana en papa. (Cortesía: archivo Unimedios)
Noviembre 08, 2023

Algoritmo para detección de enfermedades en papa ve la luz en Colombia

Un equipo Colombiano liderado por William Alfonso León Rueda, logró desarrollar un algoritmo capaz de identificar una enfermedad causada por el hongo Verticillium.
Prince Edward Island potatoes
Noviembre 04, 2023

Building resilience in the potato sector of Prince Edward Island

In the fall of 2021, the detection of potato wart disrupted sales of Prince Edward Island (PEI) potatoes to the United States, threatening the livelihoods of thousands of Islanders.
Enigma research helps growers tackle wireworm damage
Octubre 31, 2023

Enigma research helps potato growers tackle wireworm damage

The Fera-led R&D project, Enigma I, is reporting impressive results halfway through its investigation into sustainable wireworm control – a pest issue causing significant annual yield losses in root vegetable and salad crops.
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Agri dept of West Bengal (India) sets 2030 target to become self-reliant in seed potato production
Octubre 02, 2023

International Potato Center (CIP) supports West Bengal in becoming self-reliant in seed potato production by 2030

The state Agriculture department of West Bengal (India) recently set a target of attaining self-sufficiency in the production of seed potato by 2030. CIP is supporting the effort with their technology
Late blight pathogen on a leaf. (Courtesy:The Sainsbury Laboratory)
Septiembre 23, 2023

Potatoes with the right antennas: Origin of novel broad resistance to late blight found in wild potato relatives

All over the world, huge quantities of crop protection agents are sprayed to control potato blight (Phytophthora infestans). European researchers find out more on the ongoing battle between the plant and its invader.
A good season for Jersey Royals, but at what cost? (Courtesy: David Ferguson)
Septiembre 21, 2023

A good season for Jersey Royals, but at what cost?

Jersey Potato exporters were able to negotiate a better price from UK supermarkets this year to help cover rising costs but blight and poor weather meant it was still a difficult season.
Potato harvest August 2023 in the Netherlands (Courtesy: Dewulf)
Septiembre 14, 2023

Average potato production in North-western-Europe threatened by quality issues

The last 4 months was not easy going for the potato production in the NEPG region. But despite the difficult weather conditions, first yield estimates suggest a return to multi-year averages, with an estimated harvest of around 23 million tonnes of potatoes.
B-hive Innovations collaborates on groundbreaking TuberTurgor project to reduce potato bruising and waste
Agosto 22, 2023

B-hive Innovations collaborates on groundbreaking TuberTurgor project to reduce potato bruising and waste

B-hive Innovations, a cutting-edge, agri-tech research and development business is embarking on a new collaborative programme that aims to reduce the risk of potato bruising and develop technologies that could reduce supermarket waste.
Solynta's Latest Hybrid Potato Variety Shows Remarkable Late Bligh Resistance in Field Trial
Agosto 22, 2023

Solynta's Latest Hybrid Potato Variety Shows Remarkable Late Bligh Resistance in Field Trial

Solynta's potato variety was the only one to survive the high late blight pressure in the field among three other commercial varieties planted alongside.


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