Hungritos Introduces Versatile Potato Scoops

Versatile Potato Scoops by Hungritos

Versatile Potato Scoops by Hungritos a brand of Iscon Balaji Foods Pvt Ltd

Mayo 01, 2024

Leading product innovation in the finger food category, Hungritos by Iscon Balaji Foods Pvt Ltd has launched Potato Scoops. 

The curvy, scoop-shaped French Fries launched recently in Asian markets, have a superior hold time, give tremendous plate coverage, and are perfect for dip dunking. Hungritos Potato Scoops are a perfect accompaniment to soups and cocktails. 

Hungritos Potato Scoops are carved to perfection to support long-lasting crispiness, delivering a non-messy experience on the plate. 

Hungritos Potato Scoops are made from the finest Dutch potatoes that are sourced from the Indian countryside and passionately processed into curvy finger food intended to amplify the joy of meals, family get-togethers, and social gatherings. 

Cholesterol free with zero trans-fat, Hungritos Potato Scoops aligns with the growing trend of health-conscious lifestyle.

Neel Kotak, CEO & MD, Hungritos:

"We have always brought joy to our consumers through innovation in food and would continue to delight with new variants that bring bite-size happiness."

Hungritos has always been at the forefront of innovation and food processing. Some months back, Hungritos launched its signature product, the Potato Popcorn, a revolutionary product delivering a mouthful flavour of minced potatoes and herbs. 

As a leading food processing company of the region, Hungritos strives to be ahead of the curve to innovate and surprise consumers through products that deliver bite-size happiness.

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