McCain Australia extends its range of sweet potato products

McCain Sweet Potato CROSS TRAX for preparation in the oven at home introduced in Australia.

McCain Sweet Potato CROSS TRAX for preparation in the oven at home introduced in Australia.

December 08, 2018

With the popularity of sweet potatoes continuing to grow steadily in Australia, McCain Foods is introducing new sweet potato products to the freezer aisle of supermarkets.

A 30 per cent increase in sales in the 12 months ending in September 2018 spurred the frozen food manufacturer to respond with the launch of a sweet potato alternative for preparation in the oven as alternative to regular fries.

With a combination described as sweet and crispy, the new Sweet Potato Cross Trax features a criss-cross waffle pattern.

Marketed as a healthy alternative to French fries and thick-cut chips, McCain Foods ANZ marketing manager Allen Hunt says that sweet potato fervour is growing across Australia.

Allen Hunt, marketing manager McCain Foods ANZ:

“Sweet Potato Cross Trax will give Australians a double delight of flavour and texture in a crispy, slightly sweet chip.”

“The humble oven-baked potato chip is a favourite among Australian families, but we know consumers continually want more choices in flavour, shape and texture.”

“These pub-style, highly dippable and loadable chips are a great side dish offering a wholesome alternative to the standard fry.”

McCain’s Sweet Potato Cross Trax chips are available at Coles and Metcash stores nationally for AU$4.99.

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