Potato Europe 2020 cancelled

Potato Europe 2020 cancelled

Potato Europe 2020 cancelled

June 08, 2020
Uncertainties surrounding the exceptional health crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic force us to cancel Potato Europe 2020 in order to protect the event's visitors and exhibitors. The next edition of the Potato Europe cycle will take place in September 2021 in the Netherlands.

Due to the international Covid-19 pandemic of recent months and the ensuing crisis, we have been forced to take the decision to cancel the potato sector's European exhibition planned for 2 and 3 September 2020 at Villers-Saint-Christophe in France.

The general level of uncertainty along with the ongoing health crisis, the measures of physical distancing imposed, and the restrictions on international travel that persists put us in case of emergency and force us to make this difficult decision.

Safety first

In the current context of a health crisis, strict physical distancing measures are essential for everyone's security, even if their implementation is extremely difficult for an event of this size and nature.

Potato Europe had been planning numerous dynamic demonstrations, technical workshops, and conferences. Four hundred exhibitors were preparing to welcome 15,000 visitors, one-third of whom were expected to come from abroad.

Welcoming such a large audience is now made improbable by the limit currently set by the French government at 5,000 people for outdoor events; moreover, international participation is obviously highly compromised due to current and future restrictions concerning international travel.

In making, with regret, this cancellation decision faced with this case of emergency, the organizing committee of Potato Europe 2020, which brings together all of the partners in the French potato industry*, is also taking into consideration the 400 exhibitors and Arvalis teams.

All were strongly involved and invested resources preparing for the event. The organizing committee sincerely thanks them. It, therefore, seemed reasonable to limit the financial risks.

This major event for the image of the French potato industry, in France, in Europe and worldwide will be missed. The industry is thinking of other opportunities to promote its excellence and its influence.

Meet at Potato Europe 2021 in September 2021 in the Netherlands.
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