Ellips - Elisam Packaging Solutions

Ellips - Elisam Packaging Solutions

Ellips - Elisam Packaging Solutions

The Company offers a complete solution, their service doesn’t stop once the products are ready for transport, they can also offer customized packaging solutions. The technology is designed to reduce packing and labor costs, whilst making packhouse more efficient. As it’s an automated system, it will distribute the products into boxes, bags, bins, totes or tanks, eliminating the need for human labor.

It’s all fully integrated so your entire packhouse works as one

Working directly with hundreds of packhouses around the globe, they've fully integrated machines into each individual facility. Together with partners, they’ll do the same for ensuring entire packhouse is optimized and seamlessly connected across multi-head weighers, bin tippers, washing and waxing machines, drying tunnels, palletizers, packing tables and automated packaging.