Heat and Control Batter-coated French Fry frying system

Heat and Control Batter-coated French Fry frying system with a capacity of 16000 kg/h of finished crispy batter-coated french fries

Heat and Control Batter-coated French Fry frying system with a capacity of 16000 kg/h of finished crispy batter-coated french fries

Heat and Control is BIG in french fries:

Over 16,000 kg/hr. of finished crispy batter-coated french fries can be produced for fast-food lovers using Heat and Control's latest batter applicator and multi-zone fryer system.

The batter applicator applies a clear coating that gives fries a crisp texture and long serving life. Submersion in a pool of premixed batter and passage through two batter curtains ensure uniform coverage. The applicator’s batter tank and drip pan are chilled to maintain batter consistency and reduce cleaning requirements. The outside-return conveyor belt can be raised clear of the pan to simplify cleaning, and the entire applicator system slides aside for sanitation, or when uncoated product is run.

The fryer features Heat and Control’s latest technology for controlled, uniform cooking and efficient operation. Each of the fryer’s two independent stages has three oil temperature zones for precise temperature control and rapid fines removal. Oil inlets and outlets are specially designed to deliver uniform side-to-side oil-toproduct velocity and Delta-T. The outside-return conveyor belt reduces oil volume in the fryer. Unitized construction provides a stable pan structure that resists thermal deformity.

Oil filters, pumps, the steam heat exchanger, clean-in-place components, and piping are pre-assembled on a compact Fryer Support Module to reduce installation time and maintenance costs. The complete system and all batter-mixing, coating, cooking, and cleaning functions are controlled from one PLC touch screen. Oil Mist Eliminators and Heat Recovery Systems are available to remove oil mist and utilise otherwise wasted heat from fryer stack emissions.

Heat and Control builds french fry and formed potato product fryer systems for up to 22.6 metric tons/hr and supplies complete lines including potato unloading, storage, processing, seasoning and coating applicators, conveyors, weighers, inspection, and packaging equipment, all backed by post-sale service and technical support.

Produce your fries with Heat and Control processing equipment

See the full range of frying systems available or for more information, please contact Heat and Control at info@heatandcontrol.com or find us on our social media channels Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.