The Headquarters of IPA is located at Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla (HP)
The year 1999 was a milestone in the history of Association when it organized a Global Conference on Potato at New Delhi to celebrate its 25 Year jointly with Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla that also completed its 50th year.
To commemorate the “International Year of the Potato” in 2008, Indian Association organized the Global Potato Conference in New Delhi.
In 2020 the Indian Potato Commission is involved with the organisation of The activities of the Indian Potato Association include:
- Publishes a scientific journal, Potato Journal to promote exchange of scientific information amongst the members.
- Publishes books on potato for dissemination of new information and technology.
- Organizes both national and international conferences, seminars/symposia, panel discussion, Farmers’ Melas etc. from time to time.
- Confer awards and honours on eminent potato workers, growers, etc.