Cadena de Suministro de Papas

Shandong Star Company's Innovative Potato Agricultural Machinery Stole the Show at AgriTek/FarmTek Exhibition
Marzo 31, 2024

Shandong Star Company's Potato Agricultural Machinery Stole the Show at AgriTek/FarmTek Exhibition

From March 12 to 15, 2024, Shandong Star Company participated in the AgriTek/FarmTek exhibition in Astana, Kazakhstan, together with Kazakhstani dealers.
Potato production in Kazakhstan increased by almost 12% in 2022
Diciembre 05, 2022

Potato production in Kazakhstan increased by almost 12% in 2022

In Kazakhstan potato production increased by 11.9% in 2022. According to the Minister of Agriculture of the country, Kazakhstan can provide potatoes not only for the domestic market but also for the neighboring countries.
Farm Frites' potato processing investment plans in Kazakhstan are taking shape
Abril 03, 2018

Farm Frites' investment plans for a potato processing plant in Kazakhstan are taking shape

More details on the investment plans of Dutch French fry manufacturer Farm Frites in Kazakhstan have been published on the official website of the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan following additional meetings on the topic.
¿Por qué la humilde papa es tan apreciada en Kazajistán?
Mayo 22, 2014

¿Por qué la humilde papa es tan apreciada en Kazajistán?

Los kasajos han adaptado como suyo el tubérculo andino y hoy ocupan el noveno lugar en consumo
Septiembre 12, 2011

Kazakhstan to import potatoes from Belarus

Kazakhstan is interested in large supplies of Belarusian potato, Belarus Premier Mikhail Myasnikovich told media on 9 September. According to him, the Belarusian delegation led by Vice Premier Valery Ivanov has returned from Kazakhstan when it took pa...
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