Productos de Patata Deshidratada

Bio Plast Pom derives 'compostable', 'biodegradable' packaging material from potato starch
Marzo 05, 2024

Bio Plast Pom derives 'compostable', 'biodegradable' packaging material from potato starch

Bio Plast Pom has worked with the Gdańsk University of Technology and other scientific centres to design a compostable and biodegradable material based on potato starch
Enero 11, 2021

Pulpa de patata roja: un ingrediente innovador para el pan sin gluten

El pan sin gluten a base de almidón (formulaciones que contienen una mezcla de almidón de maíz y patata con hidrocoloides) es deficiente en nutrientes y no contiene compuestos que fomenten la salud.
Adam Klasa New President and CEO of Farm Frites Poland
Abril 03, 2018

Adam Klasa New President and CEO of Farm Frites Poland

Earlier this year, there was a change in the position of the President and CEO of Farm Frites Poland SA. Ernst Christoph Lehmann-Bärenklau was replaced by Adam Klasa.
GAIN Report on Potatoes and Potato Products 2015 in Poland
Diciembre 08, 2015

GAIN Report on Potatoes and Potato Products 2015 in Poland

According to a recent GAIN Report, the 2015 Potato production in Poland dropped 13% compared to last year to 6.7 million metric tons, due to average unfavorable weather conditions
Farm Frites Poland Celebrates its 20th anniversary
Octubre 27, 2014

Farm Frites Poland Celebrates its 20th Anniversary

Farm Frites Poland (FFP) is operating its French Fry Factory for 20 years. Hence the company is celebrating! FFP has prepared an special website with the highlights of these 20 years. PotatoPro made a selection to whet your appetite...
Junio 06, 2012

Polish Starch manufacturer Pepees offers to buy Trzemeszno

Polish Potato Starch manufacturer Pepees has made an offer to buy shares of Trzemezno, another Polish Potato Starch manufacturer. According to a release by Wojciech Faszczewski, CEO of Pepees, an offer for 90.40% was submitted June 5, 2012.
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