China: Positive demand for potatoes could raise prices

China: Positive demand for potatoes could raise prices
China: Positive demand for potatoes could raise prices
november 01, 2021
At this stage, the sales volume of warehousing potatoes in the northern first cropping area of ​​potato is not large, and the price is mainly stable.

The reason is that, first of all, the newly harvested potatoes in Hebei Weichang and Wuchuan production areas in Inner Mongolia have just entered the warehouse or cellars, and the cold-storage stockkeepers are not in a hurry to sell potatoes.

In addition, affected by the psychology of stocking up and slow-selling, there are not many sellers who intend to join the transactions, and the supply of these potatoes is at the average level.

Secondly, cold storage potato owners have low enthusiasm for selling. Coupled with the impact of warehousing costs, they have no intention of selling goods at a lower price. Buyers' resistance to high prices is also increasing so they choose low-priced sources and the quantity is not large.

In addition, due to the heavy rainfall in the first crop area in the north, the surface of the potato skins is muddy and the color is not bright. The color of the current original packaged potato skins is even turning black, not a good appearance for selling.

Therefore, the buyers' intention to purchase is weakened, and the transaction volume is limited. The price is mainly stable.

Potato market outlook

Recently affected by continuous rainfall and cooling weather, the supply of vegetables in many places has become tight, and vegetable prices are running at a high level, while the price of potatoes is lower than that of leafy vegetables.

It is also a regular cooking ingredient in schools, canteens, and restaurants. Therefore, under the premise that the price of leafy vegetables will only rise but not fall, there is a high probability that the end market will shift its attention to potatoes.

The increase in demand for potatoes in the terminal market has also increased the willingness of buyers to purchase to a certain extent, and the volume of transactions will likely increase.

However, due to the influence of the large supply of stocked potatoes sources, analysts believe that the price increase this week may be slightly difficult.
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