A, Virus particles visualized in the transmission electron microscope (TEM); scale bar equals 100 nm. B, Electrophoretic migration pattern of nucleic acid extracted from purified virions of the virus coded SB26/29.
december 22, 2023

Potato rugose stunting virus, a newly characterized potato virus

In the 1990s, a previously uncharacterized disease of viral aetiology was observed in cultivated potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) in Southern Peru.
Battling potato viruses innovations for a healthier harvest
mei 04, 2023

Battling potato viruses: innovations for a healthier potato harvest

Two years ago, the Potato Research Advisory Committee (PRAC) identified and wrote letters of support for a project known as 'The Potato Virus Initiative: Developing Solutions'.
June 23: WSU Potato Field Day offers a look at seed and pest studies, virus-sniffing dog
juni 16, 2022

June 23: WSU Potato Field Day offers a look at seed and pest studies, virus-sniffing dog

At their 400-acre Othello research farm, Washington State University scientists study seed quality, new varieties, pests, and growing practices to help Northwest potatoes thrive
 Seminario virtual capacitará en la identificación de tres plagas de la papa.
oktober 29, 2021

Seminario virtual organizado por el Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) capacitará en la identificación de tres plagas de la papa

Con el fin de que los países latinoamericanos a los cuales aún no han llegado el psílido de la papa ni la papa manchada de la papa y la punta morada conozcan sus síntomas y cómo identificarlas será dirigido este seminario.
Environmental health and biodiversity
oktober 27, 2021

International Potato Center: Environmental Health and Biodiversity

The unpredictable impacts of natural disasters, environmental threats and a changing climate threaten global food security. The CIP genebank drives efforts to conserve the world’s genetic diversity of potato and sweet potato for future use.
New University of Maine research hub to focus on Potato Virus Y
augustus 22, 2021

New University of Maine research hub to focus on Potato Virus Y

Greater understanding of the biology of one of the most destructive plant viruses to potato crops will be the focus of a research hub at the University of Maine.
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Honduras: Establecen ensayo nacional de 36 clones de papa
mei 04, 2021

Honduras: Establecen ensayo nacional de 36 clones de papa

Con la finalidad de encontrar nuevos materiales que se adapten a las zonas paperas de Honduras se establece un ensayo nacional de evaluación de 36 clones de papa.
Potato plants at highest risk of potato virus Y infection during first three weeks
februari 26, 2020

Potato plants at highest risk of potato virus Y infection during first three weeks

Potato virus Y is the most economically important and devastating aphid-transmitted virus, affecting both tuber yield and quality. The virus is also a major cause of seed potato degeneration, which leads to regular flushing out of seed potatoes.
Potato infected with late blight (Courtesy: ARS / Scott Bauer)
november 08, 2019

Phytophthora infestans, causing late blight in potatoes, has a virus accomplice

A research team has identified a virus infecting Phytophthora infestans, the pathogen causing late blight in potatoes and tomatoes, that appears to increase the pathogen's ability to cause the disease.
WSU Researchers looking at nature itself for help to defend potatoes against threats
juli 23, 2019

Looking for help in nature itself to defend potatoes against nematodes and scab

WSU plant pathologists Kiwamu Tanaka and Cynthia Gleason are exploring novel approaches to protect the potato crops against nematodes and scab - mobilizing nature itself.
Ongoing research in Idaho targets PVY in search of solutions
juli 06, 2019

Ongoing research in Idaho targets PVY in search of solutions

Ongoing studies at the University of Idaho’s Aberdeen Research & Extension Center seek to help seed potato growers avoid a chronically troublesome disease spread by aphids, called potato virus Y, writes John O’Connell in the Idaho State Journal.
Scientists discover key plant virus-insect virus interaction
juni 19, 2019

Scientists discover key plant virus-insect virus interaction

Aphids and the plant viruses they transmit cause billions of dollars in crop damage around the world every year.
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Argentina: La papa resistente al PVY lista para salir al mercado
januari 10, 2019

Argentina: La papa resistente al PVY lista para salir al mercado

El evento transgénico, desarrollado por investigadores del CONICET y la empresa Tecnoplant, ya obtuvo todos permisos necesarios para su comercialización en el pais.
Argentina: First PVY resistant potato will go on sale next year
december 21, 2018

Argentina: First Genetically Modified, PVY resistant potato goes on sale next year

After 20 years of biotechnological research, the first GM potato that is resistant to the PVY virus will go on sale next year in Argentina
Argentina lanza la primera papa resistente al virus PVY
december 11, 2018

Argentina lanza la primera papa resistente al virus PVY

Después de 20 años de investigaciones, esta variedad saldrá a la venta el año que viene, con beneficios productivos y económicos estimados en 45 millones de dólares por año, sólo en el mercado argentino.
Range of potato experiments underway at Maine Research Farm (Aroostook)
augustus 12, 2018

Range of potato experiments underway at Maine Research Farm (Aroostook)

Farmers, researchers and members of the public gathered at the University of Maine’s Aroostook Research Farm in Presque Isle last Wednesday to learn about the latest in potato research.
New Russet varieties - Castle Russet and Echo Russet will help US potato industry meet more stringent regulation
juni 27, 2017

New Russet varieties - Castle Russet and Echo Russet will help US potato industry meet more stringent regulation

Two recently released new Russet varieties - Castle Russet and Echo Russet - should help the potato industry in the Pacific Northwest cope with more stringent regulations on soil fumigants
Cómo aumentar la producción de papa usando técnicas sencillas (o cómo manejar integralmente la sanidad de la semilla de papa)
november 14, 2016

Cómo aumentar la producción de papa usando técnicas sencillas (o cómo manejar integralmente la sanidad de la semilla de papa)

Esta nota analiza el problema de la degeneración de la semilla, detalla la estrategia propuesta del Programa del CGIAR de Raíces, Tubérculos y Banano, y describe cinco técnicas sencillas para mejorar la calidad de la semilla y aumentar la producción de papa.


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