Energy and Environment

Manter MoNo Clipper
February 02, 2024

Pack your potatoes in packaging entirely from the same material and without a clip: Manter MoNo Clipper

Across the entire packaging industry, there is increasing demand for simple and fully recyclable packaging.
Netherlands: weather made the potato harvest very difficult
January 29, 2024

Weather in the Netherlands made the potato harvest very difficult

In the Netherlands, the weather affected the potato harvest and raises many questions about the future of production in the country.
Pringles make a major change to its tube packaging
January 22, 2024

Pringles make a major change to its tube packaging - and says it will prevent crisps from breaking too

Pringles make a major change to its tube packaging - and says it will prevent crisps. Most Britons will be familiar with the famous Pringles tube - but the crisp brand is now making a huge change to its packaging.
España: aumentan los precios en el norte debido a una oferta limitada
January 05, 2024

España: aumentan los precios en el norte debido a una oferta limitada

Aumentan los precios en el norte de España debido a una reducción en la oferta producto de los problemas meteorológicos en Europa.
Sustainable cooperation in Brabant's potato processing industry
December 27, 2023

Joint project by the potato processing industry in Brabant (the Netherlands) focused on sustainability

Agristo, Peka Kroef, Lamb Weston and Duynie have teamed up to create a groundbreaking partnership with a view to sustainability and ecological awareness.
El cambio climático y la producción de papa en Europa
December 20, 2023

El cambio climático y la producción de papa en Europa

En un reciente estudio publicado en la revista 'Climate', investigadores buscan comprender el impacto del cambio climático sobre la producción de papa en Europa, y las estrategias para sobreponerse a él.
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Sostenibilidad: la nueva vanguardia entre los obtentores de variedades como HZPC
December 11, 2023

Sostenibilidad: la nueva vanguardia entre los obtentores de variedades como HZPC

La sostenibilidad de las variedades de papa es el nuevo horizonte para los obtentores como HZPC.
E2E SteamClosure Clinches Rabobank SMART Award, Marking a Year of Triumph
December 11, 2023

Tummers E2E SteamClosure picks up Rabobank SMART Award

As E2E SteamClosure celebrates its one-year anniversary, Tummers has yet another reason to pop the champagne.
Excessive rain delays potato harvest in North-western Europe, creating new uncertainties about the total production (Courtesy: Dewulf)
November 27, 2023

Excessive rain delays potato harvest in North-western Europe, creating new uncertainties about the total production

Due to abundant rainfall, a lot of potatoes in North-western Europe (Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France) have not yet been harvested. The lifting period was too short to get the potatoes to the stores in good conditions.
Schönbuchschule Dettenhausen during the potato harvest, DKHV school garden project "Kids an die Knolle"
November 21, 2023

Join the Fun: Register Your School for 'Kids an die Knolle' 2024 – A Potato Education Program by the German Potato Trade Association (DKHV)

Schools all over Germany take part in "Kids an die Knolle", an educational program run by the German Potato Trade Association (DKHV).
Partnership for Sustainable Growth: Nordic Investor Alder Joins Forces with Insort to Revolutionize the Food Industry
November 01, 2023

Partnership for Sustainable Growth: Nordic Investor Alder Joins Forces with Insort to Revolutionize the Food Industry

Nordic financial investor Alder, focused on investing in technology companies that drive sustainable solutions, joins them, Insort, the expert in high-tech imaging solutions for the food industry, as an investor.
Farmers in the United Kingdom warn of rotting crops after Storm Babet flooding
October 26, 2023

UK farmers warn of rotting crops after Storm Babet flooding

Potato and cereal crops are likely to have been heavily damaged by the recent devastating floods across the United Kingdom, farmers have warned.
‘Potatoes Forever!’ campaign launched in Europe to promote sustainable practices in the potato industry
October 16, 2023

‘Potatoes Forever!’ campaign launched in Europe to promote sustainable practices in the potato industry

Europe has unveiled a EUR 3.2 million (USD 3.4 million) initiative, named “Potatoes Forever!“, aimed at educating the public about sustainable practices within the fresh potato industry. The campaign, set to span three years, will primarily target France and Italy.
Campos de papa cultivados
October 10, 2023

Temporada difícil para los productores de semilla en Europa afectará la disponibilidad para los mercados de exportación

La temporada de cultivo de 2023 trajo desafíos sin precedentes para los productores de semilla de papa en Europa. Condiciones climáticas desfavorables y una reducción en la superficie sembrada han provocado retrasos en la siembra, disminución de los rendimientos y una importante escasez de semilla.
PLUS (Dutch Supermarket)
September 28, 2023

Potatoes from Dutch supermarket chain PLUS standard organic

PLUS's Dutch range of unprocessed potatoes will become completely organic. As of today, the unprocessed potatoes in 1 kilo bags are standard organic. And again without increasing the price.
Snack A Jacks Bagless Multipacks
September 25, 2023

Walkers introduces 'Bagless' multipacks for Snack A Jacks to reduce plastic use

PepsiCo is trialling new multipack packaging for their Snack A Jacks range. Packs on shelves in Tesco stores across the United Kingdom will now use 86% less plastic on their outer packaging when compared with the previous multipack design.
‘Climate breakdown’: 2023 likely to be hottest year humanity has experienced in European countries
September 10, 2023

‘Climate breakdown’: 2023 expected to be hottest year humanity has experienced

Scientists confirmed this week that summer 2023 was the hottest season the world has ever seen by a large margin. Europe is warming almost twice as fast as the global average, at about 2.2C above pre-industrial times.
B-hive Innovations collaborates on groundbreaking TuberTurgor project to reduce potato bruising and waste
August 22, 2023

B-hive Innovations collaborates on groundbreaking TuberTurgor project to reduce potato bruising and waste

B-hive Innovations, a cutting-edge, agri-tech research and development business is embarking on a new collaborative programme that aims to reduce the risk of potato bruising and develop technologies that could reduce supermarket waste.


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