Potato Packing business Leo de Kock appoints Jan Bijleveld as Managing Director

Jan Bijleveld has been appointed as the new Managing Director at Dutch potato packing business Leo de Kock, a subsidiary of Agrico BV.

Jan Bijleveld has been appointed as the new Managing Director at Dutch potato packing business Leo de Kock, a subsidiary of Agrico BV.

六月 21, 2018
Jan Bijleveld has been appointed as the new Managing Director at potato packing business Leo de Kock, a subsidiary of Agrico BV.

Jan Bijleveld succeeds Claris ten Napel, who led the company for more than 24 years.

Prior to this appointment, Jan Bijleveld had already been active as interim Managing Director for eighteen months at the packaging company, which celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2016.

Jan Bijleveld has an extensive international background in logistics, purchasing and sales.

Leo de Kock plans to continue with the implementation of the innovative course that has been set in the past few years.

Recently the company has updated its processing equipment, enabling the company to significantly increase production.

In order to be able to continue to accommodate these growing activities, Leo de Kock's premises will be expanded next year with a warehouse and new office space. Investments will also be made in a new ERP system.

Potato packing company Leo de Kock goes the extra mile to listen to consumers and its retail partners and uses this information to develop products and concepts in line with current trends.

Because potato variety, origin and packaging size all play an important role in this process, the company carries a wide assortment of potatoes and packaging types.

Due to its unique collaboration with Agrico, Leo De Kock can introduce the latest new potato varieties with characteristics that meet modern consumer requirements.
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