Martin Lishman - Potato Dry Matter Field Kit

Potato Dry Matter Field Kit

Potato Dry Matter Field Kit

Martin Lishman's Dry Matter Field Kit Demonstrates dry matter variability within samples and in the same field. It compare results with a bulk average method by averaging multiple readings.

The Easy-Read Dry Matter Kit is calibrated against a range of tubers using the ‘Single Tuber Suspension Method’. Using a simple chart, Easi-Read gives an accurate dry matter content of the sample. Using the kit demonstrates the high dry matter variability that can occur within samples. This relates to many Quality Control procedures where individual potatoes, not average bulks, are laboratory tested. The kit works by taking a core from a pre-cut flat tuber surface. This is then trimmed and weighed to 0.1g resolution on a very accurate balance. The resulting weight per ml is converted to percentage dry matter using a unique calibration chart. Results can be compared with the Potato Hydrometer bulk average method by taking up to ten readings and averaging them.

The kit is supplied in a sturdy carry case and contains all the necessary equipment for testing, including scales, corer, penknife, filter papers and calibration chart. The scales are high accuracy, measuring to 0.1g with +/- 0.2g accuracy. Available with standard ware and salad variety size corers

Key Features:

  • Highly portable - does not need water
  • Measures individual tubers - to create a genuine average
  • Low cost method - needs care in use to ensure accuracy
  • Standard ware corer - individually calibrated; optional salad variety size

The field kit can test the dry matter in salad potato varieties. These are frequently too narrow for the kit’s standard corer and the dry matter calibrations for ware varieties don’t apply to the smaller potatoes. The solution is a much narrower corer and a special dry matter calibration that works for the salad varieties

Available with standard ware and salad variety size corer.

Dry matter testing in 5 easy steps

Dry matter testing in 5 easy steps

  1. Dry matter range: 14.55-25%; 1049-1113 g/ml
  2. Corer diameter: Ware 31.5mm; Salad 22mm
  3. Scales: 150g max; 0.1g increment; 2 x AAA batteries included
  4. Case: 26.5 x 9.5 x 22.5cm; 1.06Kg