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Ellips BV

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Established in 1989 in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, Ellips has been a pioneer in optical grading technology for over three decades.

With a team of dedicated software engineers, the company has developed the fastest and most accurate grading technology globally, enabling customers to optimize their harvests.

With over 3,000 systems deployed worldwide, Ellips has earned the trust of leading growers and packers in the industry. As part of the larger grading family alongside Elisam and Elifab, Ellips combines optical grading technology with the best machinery to provide growers with reliable and precise grading solutions.

Their extensive range of produce defects, accumulated over years of collaboration with growers, contributes to continuous improvement in grading accuracy. Ellips is committed to maximizing food value while minimizing waste, working closely with major growers and packers worldwide to address the challenges posed by growing populations and changing climate conditions.

As a family-owned business, Ellips values long-term partnerships with customers, using collective knowledge to continually enhance grading capabilities and ensure customer satisfaction. With a great customer service team, technical support, and local repair and operational services, Ellips offers comprehensive support to meet the needs of growers at every step of the process.

 Their TrueSort™ grading technology enables you to accurately and consistently sort fruit and vegetables at high capacity. In collaboration with machinery manufacturers, they ensure the processing of food streams is effective and efficient.

By automating your external and internal quality-control processes, you can run the entire packing operation with up to 50% fewer employees. Their grading technology leaves no fruit or vegetable to waste, so you get the most out of each crop.

(Click picture to watch video)Ellips Next Level Grading

Ellips - Create next level grading technology that makes every fruit and vegetable count, with nothing to waste.


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