Aplicación de Fertilizante

Nueva tecnología de BASF para el cultivo de patatas
Octubre 07, 2024

Nueva tecnología de BASF para el cultivo de patatas

Agrigenio será oficialmente presentada en la Fruit Attraction de Madrid a celebrarse a partir del 8 de octubre.
2024 Micro Plot Trial Organic Crop Inputs
Agosto 15, 2024

The Power of Stacking Biostimulants

In the ever-evolving world of agriculture, farmers are continually seeking ways to enhance crop yields, improve plant health, and maximize the quality of their produce. One of the most promising strategies in recent years has been the use of biostimulants—natural products that enhance plant growth and resilience.
Vultus analyses demonstrate exceptional accuracy in Lyckeby's three-year potato field trials, as confirmed by comparative studies.
Junio 26, 2024

Comparative studies confirm high accuracy in Vultus analyses during Lyckeby's three-year field trials

Vultus, in collaboration with Lyckeby and Hushållningssällskapet, has developed a satellite image analysis algorithm for precision fertilization in potato farming, demonstrating superior accuracy in predicting leaf nitrogen content in Swedish field trials.
Nutrien Ag Solutions Completes Acquisition of New Biocontrol Technology
Junio 22, 2024

Nutrien Ag Solutions Completes Acquisition of New Biocontrol Technology

Nutrien Ag Solutions announces the acquisition of Suncor Energy’s AgroScience assets, which consists of several patented and patent pending technologies in the area of biocontrol.
Productores de papa de Perote buscan erradicar el uso de agroquímicos
Mayo 03, 2024

México: producción de papa agroecologica

Ya son varios los productores que optan por técnicas más regenerativas y sustentables
Eepaf garantiza 3.400 toneladas de agroinsumos para producción de papa en cinco departamentos. (Cortesía: MDPyEP.)
Abril 30, 2024

Bolivia: empresa estatal garantiza suministro de agroinsumos

La Empresa Estrategica de Producción de Abonos y Fertilizantes apuesta al apoyo del sector productivo a través del suministro de insumos básicos.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
El Parque Papas ya cuenta en sus depósitos con el insumo con el que fertilizará el cultivo en la próxima campaña. Reducirá las emisiones de CO2 en 40% respecto a la fertilización tradicional.
Abril 29, 2024

Argentina: cultivo sustentable con huella de carbono ultra baja

El Parque papas recibió el fertilizante con el cual lograra reducir sus emisiones de carbono hasta en un 40%
Brand new website about sustainable fertilization of potatoes.
Abril 02, 2024

Belfertil and Belgapom promote the sustainable fertilization of potatoes with a new website for growers

BELFertil and Belgapom collaborate to offer growers, crop supervisors, and advisors a new website dedicated to sustainable fertilization practices for potatoes.
Argentina: técnicas de nutrición complementaria
Marzo 18, 2024

Argentina: técnicas de nutrición complementaria

Jornada técnica sobre nutrición complementaria muestra resultados a campo muy prometedores.
España: nueva logica de fertilización
Febrero 14, 2024

España: nueva logica de fertilización

El pacto verde complejiza el cultivo de patatas en Europa debido a las restricciones en el uso de fertilizantes. España debe adaptarse para sobrevivir.
Simplot's Portage la Prairie Plant
Febrero 13, 2024

Simplot Fertilizer and Potato Processing Plants Recognized for Energy Efficiency

A sustainable business. A healthy planet. A responsibility to all. Purposeful actions that benefit our world and the bottom line ensure successful operations at Simplot now and well into the future.
Scientists make groundbreaking discovery that could secure our food supply using technology
Enero 27, 2024

Groundbreaking discovery could slash carbon footprint of fertilizer

Scientists have developed a more planet-friendly way to produce fertilizer, which is an essential component of global food systems.
Contenido Patrocinado

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Reduced nitrogen fertilization: Potato varieties react differently
Enero 08, 2024

Potato varieties react differently to reduced nitrogen fertilization: thesis

The German Potato Industry Association (DKHV) honored Christin Meyer's thesis on nitrogen fertilization of (starch) potatoes, research carried out at the University of Göttingen.
Marcus Palmer, Manager Owner at MJP Supplies, Algifol at BP23
Noviembre 27, 2023

Biostimulant Field Trial Results Impress British Potato Visitors

A biostimulant brand that made its debut at this year's British Potato impressed show visitors with the results of three recent field trials.
México: fertilización eficiente de cara a una temporada competitiva
Noviembre 22, 2023

México: fertilización eficiente de cara a una temporada competitiva

En México los productores se capacitan sobre técnicas de fertilización de cara a una nueva temporada.
Scott Anderson, science co-ordinator for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's research station in Harrington, came up with the name for the 'Plowdown Challenge.' (Courtesy: CBC)
Octubre 30, 2023

Scientist challenges farmers to guess the yield of potato field grown without fertilizers

A scientist from Prince Edward Island has issued a challenge to Island farmers: Guess the yield of a potato field grown using only fertilizer left over from last year's crop.
Growing Nitrogen: Plants like this vetch plant with long roots can produce lots of nitrogen once they become established.
Septiembre 27, 2023

Start growing your own nitrogen

Four studies released from 2019 to 2023 by the University of Illinois show that on average, 67% of nitrogen found in corn comes from sources occurring in the soil. Researchers labeled nitrogen fertilizers applied with N15 to identify naturally occurring nitrogen vs. synthetic nitrogen.
Bayer Serenade
Septiembre 16, 2023

Bayer finds in-furrow application of biological fungicide Serenade boosts potato quality and potato vitality

Serenade is a biological fungicide based on a living bacterium derived from nature. In extensive trials, Bayer identified a number of positive effects on the potato crop.


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