december 08, 2021

Arvalis and Eurocelp develop a camera system to quantify the sprouting of potatoes

Eurocelp, in collaboration with Arvalis, develop a camera system to quantify the sprouting of potatoes
DOWNS CropVision®: The new generation of Potato Optical Sorter for Unwashed Potatoes
januari 12, 2021

DOWNS introduces CropVision®: an Optical Sorter for Unwashed Potatoes

DOWNS introduces CropVision®: an Optical Sorter for Unwashed Potatoes, evaluates and categorizes potatoes using HD cameras combined with AI and splits them into three streams, at a capacity of up to 100 tons per hour.
mei 29, 2019

Potatoes: an algorithm that recognizes diseases

After several years of research, the team of Eurocelp has developed an algorithm capable of continuously detecting potato diseases.


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