El levantamiento de los agricultores de patatas de Málaga.
augustus 17, 2021

El levantamiento de los agricultores de patatas de Málaga

Denuncian que se ven obligados a vender sus productos por debajo de coste y piden al Gobierno que intervenga para garantizar un 'precio justo' y evitar la desaparición del sector.
Potato imports from Bhutan allowed again
juli 01, 2021

Indian Government removes restrictions on potato imports from Bhutan

With retail potato prices rising sharply over April and May, the government of India has decided to permit the import of Potatoes from Bhutan without any license up to June 30, 2022.
UPGC Canadian Potato Crop Update June 23, 2021
juni 29, 2021

Progress Potato Crop Canada: Update June 23, 2021

The potato crop in Canada is in varying stages - from emergence to touching between rows. Potato growers everywhere are optimistic for the good growing conditions needed to move this crop in its early life stages.
México (Chihuahua): Reportan pérdidas de casi la totalidad de los cultivos de la región sur.
mei 31, 2021

México (Chihuahua): Reportan pérdidas de casi la totalidad de los cultivos de la región sur

La Sader reporta pérdidas de hasta el 90 por ciento en cultivos de maíz, frijol, papa, y sorgo forrajero, en los municipios de Guachochi , Balleza, Guadalupe y Calvo. Hay afectaciones en casi 22 mil productores de los cuales se tiene registro que el 80 porciento son indígenas.
In Georgia, potato prices hit historic lows, stocks are at record levels, and imports are increasing
april 20, 2021

In Georgia, potato prices hit historic lows, stocks are at record levels, and imports are increasing

The Georgian team of EastFruit analysts draws attention to the unusual situation in the Georgian potato market this season.
Bengal’s potato output seen up by 16% on higher area, favourable weather
april 02, 2021

Bengal’s potato output seen up by 16% on higher area, favourable weather

Cold storages full at 97% capacity; bumper crop drags prices of the spud down.
Costly seed potatoes and a low guaranteed selling price (MSP) could spell disaster for West Bengal farmers
maart 18, 2021

Costly seed potatoes and a low guaranteed selling price (MSP) could spell disaster for West Bengal farmers

Potato cultivators in West Bengal were afraid they will face severe losses as the price of good quality seeds have skyrocketed even as the minimum support price (MSP) fixed has remained relatively low.
Bumper potato yield gives price stability hope in West Bengal
maart 12, 2021

Bumper potato yield gives price stability hope in West Bengal

Retail prices of potatoes have risen marginally, given that farmers have been scrambling to stock up on the harvest, which has had a bumper production this year. This very bounty and the stockpiling is expected to keep potato prices stable over the next season.
México: Hay buena producción pero bajo precio en la papa al inicio de las cosechas
maart 08, 2021

México: Hay buena producción pero bajo precio en la papa al inicio de las cosechas

El líder de los paperos en la región Gildardo González indicó que en el caso del tubérculo para la industria llevan buen avance en la cosecha. No obstante, lamentó que los precios del tubérculo no son los mejores al inicio de estas cosechas y se espera que tiendan a bajar un poco más.
Russian retail may offer economy-class potatoes and cucumbers for sale
februari 04, 2021

Russian retail may offer economy-class potatoes and cucumbers for sale

The Potato Union of Russia sent a letter to the Association of Retail Companies (AKORT) and the Union of Independent Networks (SNS), in which it proposed introducing “economy-class” tubers into the assortment.
EU tariffs on US sweet potatoes increase 25%
november 23, 2020

EU tariffs on US sweet potatoes increase 25%

The European Union brought in $4 billion of tariffs earlier this month. The tariffs will affect a whole range of imported products, with grapefruit and sweet potatoes among them.
Potato harvest in full swing in North-western Europe; Average Yields expected.
september 14, 2020

Average Potato Yields expected in North-western Europe

The NEPG (North-Western European Potato Growers) have estimated that the overall consumption potato yields are on 5 years average level.

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juli 15, 2020

Avebe maakt campagneprijs bekend

Avebe heeft de definitieve campagneprijs van 76,50 euro per ton aardappelen bekend gemaakt aan haar leden.
Eduardo Arroyo, presidente asociación de productores de patata de Castilla y León
juli 06, 2020

'Estamos ante una campaña muy complicada: tenemos patatas sin consumidores' Eduardo Arroyo, Asociación de Productores de Patata de Castilla y León

Ahora que ya se ve en el horizonte el inicio de la campaña de patata de Castilla y León, incluso en algunas zonas ya se han comenzado a 'quemar' las parcelas, parece el momento oportuno para analizar la situación del sector con Eduardo Arroyo, presidente de la asociación de productores en esta comunidad autónoma.
Potatoes NZ request Emergency Measures to ban EU imports
mei 29, 2020

Potatoes NZ request Emergency Measures to ban EU imports

Potatoes New Zealand is asking the New Zealand government to give urgent consideration to imposing short-term measures limiting the importation into New Zealand of heavily discounted frozen potato chips to avoid a food security threat.
La patata extra temprana de Málaga mantiene sus precios a pesar del cierre de la restauración y la hostelería
april 27, 2020

La patata extra temprana de Málaga mantiene sus precios a pesar del cierre de la restauración y la hostelería

La recolección en la Axarquía, que es la primera comarca en iniciar la cosecha, se desarrolla con normalidad y sin falta de mano de obra.
The harvest of new potato in Portugal started two weeks earlier
april 14, 2020

Harvest of new potato in Portugal starts two weeks early

New potato harvest started in last week, in Portugal. Due to the higher temperatures recorded in February and March, compared to last years, the earliest varieties reached the commercial size in advance.
COVID-19 crashes European potato processing
april 07, 2020

COVID-19 crashes European potato processing

In mainland Europe the widespread closure of restaurants and other food service outlets has meant that demand for processed potato products has fallen significantly.


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