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TOMRA 3A improves output and productivity for Premium Potato Producer

Duchemin (Caen, France) potato producers use a high-performance sorting machine, the TOMRA 3A, to process their 14,000 tonnes of potatoes, a premium product.

By using the TOMRA 3A high-performance sorting machine Duchemin (Caen, France) are able to ensure their potatoes are a premium product.

Created in 1984 in Tourville-sur-Odon in the Calvados region (14) by Catherine and Christian Duchemin, Duchemin specialise in potatoes, which they market as the brand La Ferme Du Val D’Odon. Guillaume Duchemin joined the family business 14 years ago and is in charge of site management.

In 2017 Duchemin was approached to become one of the very first customers worldwide to test the TOMRA 3A prototype, a new generation sorting machine.

The business’ feedback contributed to making the TOMRA 3A an ultra-effective machine and became part of the TOMRA Food catalogue in September 2019.

After two production seasons using this machine in the potato storage shed, Duchemin has noted the added value provided by TOMRA Food.

Guillaume Duchemin:

“We are attached to TOMRA Food because it's a customer-oriented business. We didn't need to adapt our product to the machine, it's the machine that adapted to our product. That was a very positive approach!”
At Duchemin, this machine can manage up to 30 varieties of potato, from the smallest to the largest grade, representing all the cooking segments, such as firm white flesh, firm red flesh, and chips.
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