WatchITgrow, the web application for potato monitoring in Belgium
WatchITgrow aims to contribute to improved crop monitoring, in view of increasing yields in a sustainable way, both qualitatively and quantitatively.
Merlo Eworker
Merlo S.p.A. has created an exclusive range of telehandlers with small dimensions and respectful of the environment as they are 100% powered by electric batteries. These machines are designed to completely reduce noise levels and polluting emissions
Mooij Agro iHotraco Storage Data
iHotraco Storage Data
Mooij Agro offers complete automation systems that regulate, control and monitor all your store processes. Their control systems are suitable for all types of potato storage, including bulk, boxes or bags.
Borms Fontan Elektromobil
Fontan Elektromobil
The Elektromobil is very simple (dummy proof) and can work independently, even without supervision, allowing automation. This results in a considerable time gain.
1,4GROUP - 1,4SIGHT®
Sprout and peep control, pressure bruising and shrink are quality issues that storage managers face every year. Incorporating 1,4SIGHT® into the storage treatment plan can provide unprecedented success in managing these common storage challenges.
Kloppenburg Machinebouw Mechanical Haulm Puller
Mechanical Haulm Puller
Kloppenburg Machinery B.V. Ulrum NL Potato haulm pulling, mechanical haulm removal. Their specialty from the past. In 1947, subsidies were provided to develop a haulm tractor.
Innovative 48 Volt electric driven EnviMaxX potato haulm puller
EnviMaxX Potato Haulm Puller
To reduce carbon dioxide emissions in agriculture, REMA Environmental Machinery BV has developed a 48 Volt fully electrically driven haulm puller / root cutter for mechanical potato haulm (foliage) destruction in (seed) potatoes.


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