Solapas principales

APH Group


Solapas principales

APH Group delivers and services machines and equipment to increase the efficiency of professionals in the potato, vegetable, and irrigation business. They deliver integral and innovative solutions.

They do this by means of skilled specialists, operating out of 4 knowledge centers, namely: APH Field Equipment, APH Irrigation, APH In-store Solutions, and APH Engineering.

The demand for safe food in the world increases rapidly, very rapidly. A high knowledge level and integral approach make APH Group the partner for professionals in the irrigation, potato, and vegetable business.

APH Group strives continuously to improve the Efficiency for her clients by Increased yields (Mass), Improvement of quality (Create quality), Decreased costs of usage (Cost of ownership)

This results in the APH approach: E = MC². APH Group supplies efficient solutions for professionals in the segments of field equipment, in-store solutions, irrigation, and engineering.