McCain offers PEI no assurances on Borden-Carleton french fry plant

McCain offers PEI no assurances on Borden-Carleton french fry plant
april 08, 2011
Prince Edward Island Agriculture Minister George Webster says he was unable to get assurances from the corporate bosses at McCain Foods that its Borden-Carleton processing plant will remain open.

On the floor of the P.E.I. legislature Thursday night, Webster said P.E.I. has a reliable supply of potatoes and has never had a crop failure. He said that should be attractive to companies like McCain and give the Island an edge.

Last May, the company cut its Island workforce of 150 workers by 35 because of the struggling global economy, high Canadian dollar and less demand for its potato products.

"We certainly aired our concern that we wanted them to maintain their presence here, we didn't want them to downsize anymore than they already have done,"said Webster.

"They are going to make a simple business decision. They are a global company."
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