World Health Organisation wants industrially-produced trans fats banned globally
mei 15, 2018

World Health Organisation wants industrially-produced trans fats banned globally

The World Health Organisation (WHO) released REPLACE, a step-by-step guide for the elimination of industrially-produced trans-fatty acids from the global food supply. Eliminating trans fats is key to protecting health and saving lives.
Potato Processor Lamb Weston / Meijer continues to innovate: Sustainability report
januari 22, 2017

Sustainability Report: Potato Processor Lamb Weston / Meijer continues to innovate

Lamb Weston's European joint venture, Lamb Weston / Meijer has published its sustainability report for 2015-2016. Compared to the reference year 2008, energy consumption per tonne of product has reduced by more than 21% and potato utilisation has improved by 4.5%.
 En 2009
september 18, 2012

La salud europea está en riesgo por las grasas trans de la comida procesada

La salud del corazón de millones de europeos aún se encuentra en riesgo debido al alto contenido de ácidos grasos trans de algunos alimentos rápidos y procesados. Aunque los niveles globales han disminuido, pocos países tienen una limitación legal en l...
juni 22, 2010

Piden prohibir grasas trans en alimentos en el Reino Unido

El organismo que regula los alimentos y fármacos en el Reino Unido está pidiendo que en Inglaterra se eliminen de los alimentos los ácidos grasos trans. Estos compuestos son un tipo de grasas insaturadas presentes principalmente en productos que han s...
 Recipe for change
juli 08, 2009

FDF Recipe for Change: Product innovation continues despite economic downturn

The economic downturn has not created a 'health crunch' when it comes to new product innovation, suggests research conducted for the Food and Drink Federation (FDF) by independent consultancy Mintel's Global New Products Database. Based on its tracki...
februari 13, 2009

Campaña britanica para reducir el consumo de grasas saturadas

Las agencias de seguridad de los alimentos del Reino Unido (Foods Standard Agency, FSA) ha lanzado una campaña publicitaria en los medios para reducir el consumo de grasas saturadas en los alimentos y cambiar los hábitos de compra y alimentación hacia ...
 Verantwoord frituren
januari 29, 2009

Consumentenbond: Nog vaak ongezond frituurvet bij de snackbar

Patatzaken bakken nog steeds op grote schaal in ongezond, vast frituurvet. Van de circa 3.000 snackbars die niet meedoen aan de campagne ‘Verantwoord Frituren’  is ongeveer 70% nog altijd niet overgestapt op het veel betere vloeibare frituurvet, zo bli...
november 07, 2008

Dow Chemical Company launches Satisfit, an ingredient to reduce fat absorption

At Health Ingredients Europe, the Dow Chemical Company introduced Satisfit, a new weight management ingredient this week, which it claims has been shown to block the absorption of saturated and trans-fats in pre-clinical trials.
december 14, 2007

FSA: trans fat ban in the UK not needed

A New York-style ban on trans fats in food is not needed in the UK because consumption rates are already very low, the official food watchdog has said. The Food Standards Agency's (FSA) Board ruled out mandatory restrictions after reviewing evidence ...
McDonald's Hungary moves to trans fat free frying oil
oktober 29, 2007

McDonald's Hungary moves to trans fat free frying oil

From October, McDonald’s Hungary replaces its cooking oil to a newly developed mixture that is made of rapeseed and sunflower seed oil. The new oil has lower than 2% TFA content – reduced from the current maximum of 5%. And the rate of saturated fats ...

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