Nu al Phytophthora gevonden in Belgie
april 14, 2014

Nu al Phytophthora gevonden in Belgie

In België is op een afvalhoop met aardappelen phytophthora geconstateerd.
Cómo controlar el nematodo dorado de la papa mediante la biofumigación de crucíferas
april 08, 2014

Cómo controlar el nematodo dorado de la papa mediante la biofumigación de crucíferas

Agrocabildo, el servicio masivo de difusión de tecnología agraria de Tenerife, acaba de publicar los resultados de un estudio realizado para determinar cuál crucífera es la más efectiva en el control del nematodo dorado de la papa.
Plagas agrícolas son ‘muy subestimadas’, dice estudio
maart 18, 2014

Plagas agrícolas son ‘muy subestimadas’, dice estudio

El número de diferentes tipos de plagas que destruyen las cosechas en el mundo en desarrollo podría ser muy superior a lo que se conoce, lo que estaría contribuyendo aún más a mermar las cosechas en países que son grandes productores de alimentos, dicen investigadores.
Sharon Dijksma, State Secretary for Economic Affairs (PvdA)
februari 20, 2014

Russia to end Dutch Potato ban

Russia will start importing Dutch seed potatoes again, once a quality inspection has deemed them suitable. This could mean a 10 million euro export opportunity for companies.
Nuevo tipo de resistencia a enfermedad de la papa
februari 17, 2014

Nuevo tipo de resistencia a enfermedad de la papa

Fitopatólogos de la universidad holandesa de Wageningen han descubierto un mecanismo que aumenta la resistencia a Phytophthora infestans, patógeno causante de una de las enfermedades más devastadoras de la papa, el tizón tardío.
Graph representing Per Capita food losses and waste at consumption and pre-consumption stages
februari 05, 2014

DuPont highlights Food Chain Collaboration at Fruit Logistica

At the 2014 Fruit Logistica event, being held in Berlin from 5-7 February, DuPont Food Chain Manager for the EMEA region, Mr Luigi Coffano, highlighted the challenges faced by a world population that is growing by 150,000 people every day.
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augustus 25, 2013

Avoid bruising at potato harvest by managing moisture levels

Avoid bruising at potato harvest by managing moisture levels pre-desiccation is the advice from Hutchinsons Root Crop Technical manager, Darryl Shailes.
 potato fields in the andes
juli 31, 2013

Virus successful bio-insecticide against Guatemalan Potato Moth

The Guatemalan potato moth is wreaking havoc in potato crops in Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador. Control measures exist, but are toxic or financially out of reach. Now there's a promising alternative: a biopesticide based on a virus that infects the moth.
Key Technology - Insort License Agreement
juli 25, 2013

Insort Gmbh signed a strategic partnership with market leader Key Technology

Insort and EVK have signed a worldwide license agreement with Key Technology for use of Chemical Imaging Technology in proven Key solutions provided to the potato industry.
 Bacterial Ring Rot in potato
mei 21, 2013

UK issues new import measures to prevent the spread of potato ring rot

The UK government has stepped up its efforts to control the potato disease ring rot.
 Irish famine potato specimen from the Kew Garden herbarium
mei 21, 2013

“Whodunnit” of Irish potato famine solved

An international team of scientists reveals that a unique strain of potato blight they call HERB-1 triggered the Irish potato famine of the mid-nineteenth century
 Sarpo Mira
februari 27, 2013

'Sarpo Mira' potato variety 'plant of the week' in The Guardian

This week , the potato variety Sarpo Mira was named Plant of the week in the British Newspaper "The Guardian"
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Potato infested by Potato Cyst Nematodes (PCN)
februari 27, 2013

DuPont nematicide update: Polish & French potato growers welcome help to improve crop yield & quality

With the threat posed to potato crops by nematodes, Polish growers are expected to welcome the announcement that Vydate®, a nematicide from DuPont that is already used to help maintain the quality and marketable yield of crops in the UK and the Netherlands.
Insort GmbH we catch them all
november 11, 2012

Insort highlights its Chemical Imaging Technology at the Interpom | Primeur 2012

The Austrian optical sorting equipment manufacturer Insort GmbH will highlight its Chemical Imaging Technology applied in their Sherlock Separator for the potato industry at the Interpom | Primeurs.
 Bacterial ringrot
oktober 09, 2012

Potato imports threaten UK crop

No sooner does the risk of importing exotic diseases such as dickeya in seed potatoes appear to be receding than another potential source of harm to the health of the UK crop has reared its head.
 David Gómez Castillo
oktober 08, 2012

Research on sprout inhibitors: Essential oils could be a good alternative to CIPC

At the Public University of Navarra, David Gómez Castillo carried out research for his PhD on the possibility of substituting the current use of CIPC in potato storage by treating the tuber with essential oils of mint, caraway, coriander, eucalyptus an...
 bruised potato
oktober 01, 2012

Potato bruising risk in Britain needs addressing

While recent rain should help boost protective soil intake by harvesters, the risk of potato bruising remains high, potato agronomists and machinery makers are warning.
 Potato Cyst Nematode (Globodera rostochiensis)
oktober 01, 2012

PCN resistance among targets of new potato breeding business in the UK

Plant breeding business KWS marked its formal entry into potato breeding in the UK last week, with a demonstration of up-and-coming varieties and an outline of its key breeding objectives for the potato crop.


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