PotatoPro Statistics

These website statistics are provided as background information for (potential) advertisers.

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Website Visitors

Annual number of Pageviews

Number of Pageviews (thousands) of the current PotatoPro version - launched on January 1, 2014

We track the site activity on PotatoPro.com primarily as Pageviews (using Google Analytics).

The site had 1.324 million pageviews in 2015 and 1.624 million pageviews in 2016.

In 2017 we will attempt to top the 2 million (!!) pageviews .

How Global is PotatoPro?

Visits to PotatoPro.com by continent as a percentage of the total number of visits

Top 30 countries by visits in order (first 7 months of 2017)

Mobile Traffic

Visits to PotatoPro.com in August 2017 by platform (desktop, tablet and mobile)

PotatoPro Newsletters

PotatoPro sends out email newsletters in a range of formats.
Click on this image to subscribe to the PotatoPro Newsletters.

PotatoPro sends out email newsletters in a range of formats. We offer a weekly newsletter (in English), a daily newsletter (in English) as well as a weekly newsletter in Spanish.

Furthermore, we are gathering expressions of interest for a Dutch , Russian and Chinese Language Newsletter.

PotatoPro currently sends one or more newsletters to 9265 subscribers.

PotatoPro on Social Media

PotatoPro jumped quite early on the Social Media bandwagon.

Although PotatoPro has accounts on Google+, Pinterest, Instagram and YouTube, our social media activity is mainly focused on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.


Click on this image to follow PotatoPro on Twitter

PotatoPro has over 9125 followers on Twitter.

Every news item we post on the website is also posted on Twitter. In addition, we Retweet several other posts related to Potato.


Click on this image to join the PotatoPro on LinkedIn Group

PotatoPro manages a LinkedIn Group, "PotatoPro - Potato Industry discussion group".

With 3910+ members, this is the largest LinkedIn group focused specifically on potatoes and potato processing.

We post items sparingly as not to overload the audience. Priority is given to items with a (food) business angle.

In addition we use the personal profile of Paul van Eijck (3820+ connections) to highlight items occasionally.

Facebook (Page)

Click on this image to like PotatoPro on Facebook

PotatoPro has a Page on Facebook, with 1550+ likes.

Priority is given to 'local' items and items related to potato that might interest a more general audience.

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Last updated in August 2017
