Technical Specifications for the PotatoPro Website Ads

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  • Technical Specifications for the PotatoPro Website Ads

What is and is not possible in online advertising is changing rapidly... Also, we are eager to accommodate your promotional ideas!

So if you have an idea that does not seem to fit our specifications, talk to us and we just might find a way to make it work...

New Standards

We want to stick to the latest standards in order to allow our advertisers to use state of the art formats on both PotatoPro as well as elsewhere.

Therefore we are transitioning to the new IAB Flexible Size Ad Specifications for all ads.


BigBox Technical Specifications and Guidelines

The BigBox ads are PotatoPro's most powerful and versatile promotional elements.

Included in the following packages:

  • Size of the ad to submit: 450 x 450 pixels
  • Size of the ad as displayed: Ranging from 300 x 300 to 450 x 450 pixels
  • Location: On desktop: Mostly in the right column; On mobile: full width
  • Creatives: Multiple creatives possible, currently unlimited.
  • Frequency / Rotation: Number of impressions for all your creatives together as per your advertising package
  • Targeting: Creatives can be targeted based on: Topic / Page, Language and Geography
    • Topics / Page typesTargeting based on page topics specified (--)
    • Language: Creatives can be shown for all languages (standard) or for a specific language only. Current languages available: English, Spanish, Simplified Chinese and Dutch (Russian is coming soon)
    • Geotargetting: Worldwide or Countries and Regions as required

PotatoPro uses Google Ad Manager to serve ads to its websites.

The following file types are allowed:

  • GIF (static or animated)
  • JPEG
  • HTML 5 (includes MP4 video)
  • DoubleClick Tag and approved 3rd Party Tags

Key Specifications

  • As per the IAB guidelines: Initial load of 150K, Subload 300K
  • Max looping: indefinite
  • Max animation length: 15 seconds recommended
  • Expansion not allowed
  • Ad unit content must be clearly distinguishable from normal webpage content (i.e. ad unit must have clearly defined borders and not be confused with normal page content).

please note that static gif's are being converted to jpeg and animated gif's will be converted to MP4

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Technical Specifications for the Supersized BigBox


SponsorBox Technical Specifications & Guidelines

An exclusive type of exposure: just for Sponsors

Included in the following packages:

Product highlights:

  • Size of the ad: 320 x 160 pixels
  • Location: Right column (as shown on this page)
  • Targeting: on most main pages, next to each news item, no specific targeting.
  • Rotation: Fixed position, order is defined by sponsorship package and when the sponsorship was booked.
  • Creatives: One creative, replacement possible.
  • Region: Worldwide, no geotargetting available.

Filetypes This advertising type is served from PotatoPro's Content Delivery Network and is stored in local browser cache.

The following file types are allowed:

  • GIF (static)
  • JPEG
  • MP4

Key Specifications

  • Maximum file size 60K. Call us if you need more.
  • Expansion not allowed


Email your draft or final versions to

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Leaderboard Technical Specifications and Guidelines

The Leaderboard ads are prominently placed at the top of each page and are served on most pages of PotatoPro, with limited targeting.
They are intended to reach a large audience in a short time, and to prevent staleness, they can only run for a limited time.

Included in the following packages:

  • Location: Top of most pages
  • Targeting: typically displayed everywhere, but some targeting is possible. Contact us to discuss.
  • Frequency / Rotation: Rotated with other advertisers
  • Creatives: One or more creatives
  • Region: Worldwide, but limited targeting is possible

Technical Specifications

  • Size of the ad to submit: 1800 x 450 pixels (Horizontal 4x1)
  • Size of the ad as displayed: Ranging from 600 x 150 to 1200 x 300 pixels

PotatoPro uses Google Ad Manager to serve ads to its websites.

The following file types are allowed:

  • GIF (static or animated)
  • JPEG
  • HTML 5 (includes MP4 video)
  • DoubleClick Tag and approved 3rd Party Tags

please note that static gif's are being converted to jpeg and animated gif's will be converted to MP4
Key Specifications

  • As per the IAB guidelines: Initial load of 150K, Subload 300K
  • Max looping: indefinite
  • Max animation length: 15 seconds recommended
  • Expansion not allowed
  • Ad unit content must be clearly distinguishable from normal webpage content (i.e. ad unit must have clearly defined borders and not be confused with normal page content).


Email your draft or final versions to

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