New potato variety Lea is suitable for both conventional and organic farming
八月 26, 2019

New German Potato Variety 'Lea' is suitable for both conventional and organic farming

The Solana Group's stand at last year's Potato Europe at Gut Bockerode, Germany, Breeder and seed supplier Solana GmbH & Co. will use the upcoming potato fairs to introduce a total of three new table potatoes.
First large-scale Solynta Hybrid seed potato trials highly successful
四月 17, 2017

First large-scale Solynta Hybrid seed potato trials highly successful

Potato breeder Solynta started a potato revolution nearly ten years ago: to develop and apply new breeding technologies to convert potatoes into a hybrid crop. A 'large' trial of the first experimental hybrids took place last season.
七月 12, 2012

Potato growers in Britain face weather-related challenges

Potato growers are facing many weather-related challenges and recent warm, wet weather has led to a massive increase in the number of Smith Periods this year so far, says Potato Council executive and blight specialist Gary Collins.
四月 26, 2012

New research into the control of Alternaria in potatoes

According to independent potato specialist of Root Crop Consultancy Howard Hinds, Alternaria has become much more of an issue in UK potato crops, with severe infections being experienced in susceptible varieties such as Markies.
五月 27, 2011

Potato fungicides approved for Early blight (Alternaria) protection

In the United Kingdom, potato Late blight fungicides Consento and Prompto (fenamidone + propamocarb) have gained label extensions for protection of potato crops against Early blight (Alternaria).
 Sporenverspreiding Phytophthora
一月 21, 2011

Effectieve bestrijding van Phytophthora Infestans bij minimaal fungicidengebruik met behulp van waarschuwingssystemen

De Phytophthora infestans-populatie wordt steeds agressiever, de cyclus wordt korter en er kan een snellere uitbreiding van de epidemie optreden als niet wordt ingegrepen.
六月 17, 2010

Syngenta advises to treat blight and Alternaria separately

Syngenta warns potato growers not to compromise blight control programmes during high risk conditions when tackling the threat of Alternaria.
九月 19, 2008

'Aantal aardappeltelers heeft te veel geld uitgegeven aan bestrijding phytophthora'

Een aantal aardappeltelers heeft teveel geld uitgegeven aan de bestrijding van de schimmelziekten phytophthora en alternaria. De telers deden dit vooral uit angst voor de schimmelziekten of door onwetendheid, aldus Huub Schepers, onderzoeker bij Wageni...


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