Red potato pulp: an innovative ingredient for gluten-free bread
一月 11, 2021

Red potato pulp: an innovative ingredient for gluten-free bread

Starch-based gluten-free bread (formulations containing a mixture of corn and potato starch with hydrocolloids) are deficient in nutrients and do not contain health promoting compounds.
España: Usando radiación infraroja identifican las papas más cardiosaludables
十月 13, 2017

España: Usando radiación infraroja identifican las papas más cardiosaludables

Empleando la técnica de espectroscopia en el infrarrojo cercano, una investigadora de la Universidad de Navarra es capaz de identificar las variedades de papa con mayor contenido de compuestos fenólicos. Estas sustancias son beneficiosas para la salud por su contribución a la reducción de enfermedades cardiovasculares.
Czech Potato Research Institute announces a new blue-purple potato variety 'Val-Blue'
十月 05, 2017

Czech Potato Research Institute breeds a new blue-purple potato variety 'Val-Blue'

The Czech Potato Research Institute in Havlíčkův Brod has announced that it has bred a new potato variety they named “Val Blue”. And yes! It has a striking blue-purple colour.
Neiker Tecnalia to start field trial of potato varieties with benefits
五月 28, 2017

Neiker Tecnalia to start field trial of potato varieties with benefits

NEIKER-Tecnalia is conducting research since 2014 with the objective to identify potato varieties with high levels of bioactive compounds (anthocyanins, phenols and total carotenoids - all having potential potential health benefits), and are adapted to the growing conditions in Spain.
En España desarrollan papas con alto potencial de valor añadido
五月 23, 2017

En España desarrollan papas con alto potencial de valor añadido

El Instituto Vasco de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario, NEIKER-Tecnalia, ha llevado a cabo avances en la mejora genética de patata con el objetivo de obtener variedades con elevados niveles de compuestos bioactivos (antocianinas, fenoles y carotenoides totales), así como capacidad antioxidante beneficiosas para la salud, adaptadas a nuestras condiciones de cultivo.
Purple Magic potato reaches finals of Northern Ireland Innovation competition INVENT 2016
五月 30, 2016

Purple Magic potato reaches finals of Northern Ireland Innovation competition INVENT 2016

Purple Magic, a Northern Ireland potato with high anthocyanin content, was bred by Paul Watts at the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute and just reached the finals of INVENT 2016, a Northern Ireland innovation competition.
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Colourful Perupas of potato company HZPC nominated for Fruit Logistica Innovation Award 2016
一月 18, 2016

Colourful Perupas of potato company HZPC nominated for Fruit Logistica Innovation Award

HZPC proudly announces the nomination of their potato concept WOW! Colourful Perupas® for the Fruit Logistica Innovation Award 2016.


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