Solapas principales

The Sainsbury Laboratory

Solapas principales

The Sainsbury Laboratory (TSL) is a world-leading research centre focusing on making fundamental discoveries about plants and how they interact with microbes.

TSL not only provides fundamental biological insights into plant-pathogen interactions, but is also delivering novel, genomics-based, solutions which will significantly reduce losses from major diseases of food crops, especially in developing countries.

TSL is an independent charitable company and receives strategic funding from the Gatsby Charitable Foundation with the balance coming from competitive grants and contracts from a range of public and private bodies, including the European Union (EU), Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and commercial and charitable organisations

Noticias de esta Compañia

Two Blades Foundation partners with Simplot and Sainsbury Laboratories to advance potato disease resistance
Marzo 10, 2016

Two Blades Foundation partners with Simplot and The Sainsbury Laboratory to advance potato disease resistance

The Two Blades Foundation (2Blades) announced a research partnership between 2Blades, The Sainsbury Laboratory, and J. R. Simplot Company to develop potato varieties with increased resistance to oomycete and bacterial diseases.
Enero 03, 2011

Un equipo científico dirigido por el Laboratorio Sainsbury del Reino Unido ha descubierto al responsable del tizón tardío de la papa

Un equipo científico financiado con fondos comunitarios y dirigido por el Laboratorio Sainsbury del Parque Científico de Norwich (Reino Unido) ha descubierto al responsable del tizón tardío o mildiú de la patata y el tomate y el mildiú lanoso de verdur...
Noviembre 21, 2010

BBSRC researchers develop new approach to beat Phytophthora

Researchers funded by the BBSRC Crop Science Initiative have made a discovery that could instigate a paradigm shift in breeding resistance to Phytophthora infestans
 John Inness Center
Junio 06, 2010

Trial with GM potatoes resistant to late blight approved in United Kingdom

Defra has given scientists at The Sainsbury Laboratory (TSL) the go ahead to conduct a three-year trial on genetically modified (GM) potatoes.   Scientists at TSL - part of the John Innes Centre - are testing potatoes that have been genetically modifie...