Empack 2024

Empack 2022

When & Where

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Descripción del Evento

The Empack is the trade fair for packaging technologies, materials and services related to the packaging industry, which takes place once a year in Belgium.

Empack Ghent: the packaging event with a special focus on the food and beverage industry. This vital sector, prominent in East and West Flanders, is undergoing rapid evolution due to fundamental changes and new consumer needs. From e-commerce to stricter food regulations and advanced technologies, Empack Gent is your platform to explore these developments.

Expositores Destacados

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Más Expositores:

Contenido Patrocinado
Potato Expo Orlando - Leaderboard - 20241010


Empack 2024
    Maaltekouter 1,
    Gent 9051

Información de Contacto

Contenido Patrocinado


Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado