Buscar Equipos de Transporte y Manipulación

PPM Tote Dumpers
Tote Dumpers
PPM Technologies crate and tote handling systems make filling and unloading efficient and easy. PPM’s dump and fill units work together or separately as economical, effective solutions to handling bulk storage prior to final processing.
PPM Libra Mass Flow
Libra Mass Flow
PPM’s Libra VF Mass Flow System employs a two-tier conveyor system that combines VF technology with load-cell scales, measuring product by both weight and volume.
Wyma Mega-Tip Rotary Bin Tipper
Mega-Tip Rotary Bin Tipper
La volcadora de recipientes giratoria Mega-tip está diseñada para volcar recipientes grandes (hasta 3700 mm de ancho y de peso máximo de 4.5 t).
SB 651 Receiving hopper of 12-14 m³
SB 651 Receiving hopper of 12-14 m³
La SB 651 es una tolva receptora de gran rendimiento con una capacidad de tolva de 12-14 m³ y un suelo de tolva de 2 metros de anchura con manipulación suave del producto. Se pueden colocar varias unidades después de la tolva.
Wyma Clean Wet Hopper
Clean Wet Hopper
La tolva limpia y húmeda de Wyma recibe y almacena los productos en agua antes del envasado, lo que elimina la necesidad de cajas / contenedores. Los canales o transportadores transportan suavemente los productos al búnker.
Tolsma - Grisnich Unloading Systems
Unloading Systems
Tolsma-Grisnich has a suited solution for every way of unloading, for both extraction conveyers, as well as tipping trailers and boxes.
Sormac Excenter waste pump EAP
Excenter waste pump EAP
Sormac excenter waste pump is the ideal system to collect all peeled and process waste so that it can be centralized and pumped to a central collecting area.
Dewulf ML 80 cm wide store loaders
ML 80 cm wide store loader
Los cargadores de almacén ML 80 tienen una cinta transportadora de artesa profunda de 80 cm de anchura con la que se puede lograr una capacidad de más de 180 toneladas/h. Los cargadores de almacén están disponibles en longitudes de 16, 19 o 22 metros.
PFI Magneflex sanitary vibratory conveyor efficiently and seamlessly moves a variety of products throughout your food processing line. Its flexible for multiple applications, such as feeding, spreading, and laning.
Flake Grinder
Flake Grinder
The last step in the flaking process is to mill the product to obtain its final properties. The machine is designed for high throughput and is extremely flexible, milling potato flakes into sizes ranging from 1/16th of an inch to 3/4th of an inch.
The shredder reduces the size of the incoming product. The size of the shred influences the outlook and texture of the product. The Nex-Shred uses a wide range of different shredding plates to make very fine (almost mash) shreds up to large potato shreds.
Tolsma - Grisnich Ergonomic inspection belt
Ergonomic inspection belt
The Tolsma-Grisnich roller inspection belt is distinguished by a solid, wear-resistant and ergonomic construction.

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Eqraft Belt Sizer
Belt Sizer
Eqraft Belt Sizer Separates smaller from the bigger sized products in a product friendly manner.
Batch Mixer
Batch Mixer
Idaho Steel Batch Mixers are used to give the processor maximum flexibility as a wide variety of recipes are used to make formed specialties.
Wyma Roller Conveyors & Elevators
Roller Conveyors & Elevators
Roller Conveyors transport boxes, bins or crates from packing stations, crate fillers or weighing stations.
Wyma Mini-Wet Hopper
Mini-Wet Hopper
La Mini Tolva de Remojo de Wyma proporciona un almacenamiento de carga en la mitad de la línea y un flujo continuo de hortalizas hacia el resto de su línea.
PFI Purmotion
PFI Purmotion horizontal motion conveyor smoothly conveys a variety of products throughout your food processing line.
PFI Spreader Conveyor
Speader Conveyor
Spreader links the key processes of your line by spreading, diverging, or converging product between wider and more narrow belts. Its positive drive, non-slip stainless steel flex wire chains position product seamlessly, with no jams or pile ups.


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