Cadena de Suministro de Papas en Europa


Agrointelli was founded in 2015 as an innovation house for new technologies within agriculture. In order to meet the demands of modern and professional farmers, Agrointelli has developed Robotti.

Agromais CRL

Agromais CRLis an organization of Vegetable and Cereal producers based out of Portugal.

Agromar France S.A.

Agromar France constituye un eslabón imprescindible en la cadena de valor del sector de la patata. Agromar France está integrada en un grupo de empresas españolas que desde hace 30 años produce y comercializa Patatas de España en toda Europa.

Agromar Hispana S.A.

Agromar Hispana S.A., con sede en España en (02006) Albacete, es la empresa matriz de Agromar France S.A.R.L con sedes en Francia en (10170) Mesgrigny y (59660) Merville.


AgroMONDO doo was founded on August 11, 2011. They are dealer of farm machineries and provide it at affordable prices. AgroMONDO provides a complete after-sales service, in the sense of distribution of spare parts and servicing of all agricultural machineries.


AgroNorth is a grower of potatoes and other (root) vegetables from Poland, adding value to their produce by processing them into cut/pasteurized products
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado

Agropak (IntercomM Co.Ltd)

The Agropak company has been working in the agricultural market for more than 25 years, as a supplier of equipment for packaging, sorting and processing of fresh vegetables, fruits and berries.

Agroplant Holland B.V

Agroplant is an expert in the field of seed and consumption potatoes and offers a wide range of potato varieties. In addition to seed potatoes Agroplant also supplies fresh consumption potatoes worldwide


Agrotarana is an agricultural machinery and service providing department of closed joint-stock company Meteka.

Agrovent-M LLC

Agrovent-M is a Russian food storage manufacturer specialising in fruit and vegetable storage and greenhouses.


Agroventilatie is a Potato Storage Solutions Manufactutrer based out of the Netherlands. They provide Ventilation channels for storing potatoes, onions and seeds. With these channels it is possible to store potatoes, onions and seeds on a flat floor.


AgroVision has developed smart software for the agricultural sector since 1986. They are quick to respond to new developments, changed legislation in the agricultural sector, and the requests and suggestions of their customers.
Contenido Patrocinado

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AKPIL is a family company located in Pilzno and established by Kazimierz Anioł in 1975. The company initially specialised in the craft production of construction products. In 1985, while seeking new areas for growth in order to cope with a worsening crisis in the construction industry, AKPIL turned its attention to agriculture.


ALL in ONE is growing wheat, carrots, onions and potatoes in a healthy crop rotation. They are also supplier of seed potatoes and manufacturer of various potato farming equipments.

Allround Group

Allround es un nombre de confianza en la fabricación y suministro de maquinaria y equipo para la poscosecha de la agrohorticultura, con especial referencia a los productos altamente consumidos y procesados como papas, zanahorias y cebollas.

Almacenes Lazaro S.L

Almacenes Lazaro S.L es una compañía de capital 100% español y familiar, que tiene por objetivo satisfacer las necesidades de patatas en el mercado español, llegando al consumidor en diferentes formatos.

Altena Potatoes

Altena Potatoes is a family business of the brothers Joop and Kees Schouten and Eddy (4th generation), the son of Kees.

Alzchem Group

Alzchem, an international chemical company, has positioned itself in the world of specialty chemistry with both well established and new products for global markets.


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