El cálido invierno adelanta el inicio de la campaña de exportación de patata de sa Pobla
Febrero 29, 2020

El cálido invierno adelanta el inicio de la campaña de exportación de patata de sa Pobla

Las altas temperaturas desde diciembre a febrero han provocado un adelanto del inicio de la campaña de exportación de patata poblera. El portal Mateu Export arrancó este miércoles su campaña con la recolección de la variedad Lady Christl.
'El Gloria aquí pasa un poco cada año'
Febrero 14, 2020

'El Gloria aquí pasa un poco cada año'

Agricultores del delta del Llobregat reivindican más infraestructuras para combatir las inundaciones.
Colombia: Productores de papa inician censo para determinar daños por heladas
Enero 20, 2020

Colombia: Productores de papa inician censo para determinar daños por heladas

El presidente de Fedepapa, Germán Palacio, reportó que las heladas que desde finales de diciembre de 2019 y en los primeros días de enero de 2020 han causado daños en las zonas productoras del alimento en Boyacá, Cundinamarca, Santander y otros.
In Ireland, 5% of the potatoes is still to be dug.
Enero 14, 2020

In Ireland, 5% of the potatoes is still to be dug

The Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA) estimates that 5% of the potato crop across the country remains in the ground. That said some farmers have a lot more acres remaining than others, depending on the weather they were greeted with in the past few months.
Enero 10, 2020

La Patata de Bolivia está Desapareciendo

Durante siglos, los antepasados de Humberto Limachi han cultivado papas y las han convertido en un producto liofilizado llamado chuño. Es un alimento básico para la comunidad indígena aymara de Bolivia. Limachi enseña a sus hijos pequeños cómo se prepara el chuño.
The European Parliament declares climate emergency
Diciembre 03, 2019

The European Parliament declares climate emergency

EU should commit to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 at the UN Conference, says Parliament.
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Extreme weather hits potato processors in the UK for the second year in a row
Diciembre 02, 2019

Extreme weather hits potato processors in the UK for the second year in a row

Potato processors in the United Kingdom and their growers express again extreme concern about the potato supply, due to wet weather and potato varieties grown for processing in particular affected.
Noviembre 25, 2019

Hacer del Futuro de los Alimentos un Futuro Sostenible

Nicolai Prytz, director de sostenibilidad y estrategia de TOMRA, ha analizado cómo empresas, consumidores y autoridades pueden ayudar a hacer que el futuro de los alimentos sea un futuro sostenible.
Potato shortage looms on Prairies
Octubre 31, 2019

Potato shortage looms on Prairies (Canada)

Potato processing plants in Manitoba and Alberta may not run at full capacity this winter. About 20,000 acres of potatoes were in the ground in Manitoba as of the middle of October, and growers needed two weeks of favourable weather to harvest the crop.
Octubre 16, 2019

Frito-Lay Transforma Fábrica De California En Un Modelo Ecológico Incomparable

Snack company Frito-Lay aims to replace all of its existing diesel-powered freight equipment with zero-emission (ZE) and near-zero emission (NZE) technologies at its Modesto, California manufacturing and distribution facility.
McCain announces Farms of the Future initiative to advance sustainable farming practices
Septiembre 25, 2019

McCain Foods announces Farms of the Future initiative to demonstrate feasibility of sustainable farming

McCain Foods has announced its commitment to a new innovative program, Farms of the Future. The goal of the program is to advance sustainable farming practices by helping to demonstrate their scalability and their economic viability.
La patata también se tiñe de verde
Septiembre 25, 2019

La patata de Galicia también se tiñe de verde

Óscar Riveiro, agricultor de Castro de Rei, vende dentro y fuera de Galicia el tubérculo con sello ecológico. La Terra Chá es amplia y justamente conocida por su actividad ganadera, centrada sobre todo en el ganado vacuno de leche.
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McCain Foods joins OP2B, an initiative to enhance biodiversity in agricultural supply chains
Septiembre 23, 2019

McCain Foods joins OP2B, an initiative to enhance biodiversity in agricultural supply chains

McCain Foods joins the 'One Planet Business for Biodiversity' (OP2B) coalition as a founding member. This initiative to protect and restore biodiversity in agricultural supply chains was launched today at the United Nations Climate Action Summit
Las amenazas que se ciernen sobre las papas
Agosto 21, 2019

Las amenazas que se ciernen sobre las papas

El cambio climático comienza a afectar al legendario alimento. En Perú, cuna de la patata, donde hay 4.000 variedades, campesinos y científicos temen daños ante las variaciones de heladas y lluvias.
Chinese potato price runs high because of typhoon Lekima
Agosto 20, 2019

Chinese potato price runs high because of Typhoon Lekima

Typhoon Lekima landed on Chinese shores last weekend. The typhoon caused destruction in several Chinese cities. Shouguang was one of the areas affected most by the extreme weather conditions.
Cavendish Farms to open Potato Research Centre in Prince Edward Island
Agosto 05, 2019

Cavendish Farms to open Potato Research Centre in Prince Edward Island

Canadian potato processing company Cavendish Farms, a subsidiary of J.D. Irving, announced last week that it will build a new potato research and plant breeding centre in New Annan, Prince Edward Island.
Prince Edward Island potato farmers receive financial support to overcome wet and cold harvest of 2018
Julio 25, 2019

Prince Edward Island potato farmers receive financial support to overcome wet and cold harvest of 2018

The Canadian government of the provincial government of Prince Edward Island are providing some additional help for Island farmers following the poor potato harvest of 2018, they announced at a farm in Pownal, P.E.I., Friday morning.
Nearly half of Washington facing emergency drought conditions
Mayo 30, 2019

Nearly half of the state Washington facing emergency drought conditions

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee has expanded the drought emergency declaration to cover nearly half of Washington state due to worsened, poor water supply conditions around the state and warmer and drier weather predictions through the summer.


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