Freidoras Industriales

Herbort will attend the Interpom 2022, on the 27-29 November in Kortrijk, Belgium
Noviembre 16, 2022

Herbort will present its static steam peeler, industrial microwave at Interpom

On November 27, 28 and 29, Herbort will be exhibiting at Interpom Expo in Kortrijk, Belgium. Together with Spiessens, Herbort will present several unique machines at hall 5, booth 511.
Kiremko's Corda Invicta fryer was planned to be part this year's the Interpom Innovation Tour
Noviembre 25, 2021

Kiremko will not attend Interpom

Kiremko has decided that they will not attend this edition of the Interpom in Kortrijk, Belgium in order to limit the travel movements and contact moments of its employees
Aardappel sector komt weer massaal naar de INTERPOM PRIMEURS in de Kortrijk Xpo
Noviembre 30, 2018

Aardappel sector komt weer massaal naar de INTERPOM PRIMEURS in de Kortrijk Xpo

De voorbije dagen was de volledige aardappelsector massaal verzameld op INTERPOM PRIMEURS in Kortrijk Xpo. Niet minder dan 19.508 bezoekers de beurs...
Improve your French Fry Line with these Innovations from Kiremko
Noviembre 20, 2018

Improve your French Fry Line with these Innovations from Kiremko

At Interpom | Primeurs 2018, held in Kortrijk Xpo from November 25 -27, Kiremko will launch its latest innovation in the field of frying oil filtering: the Kiremko Primary Oil Filter.
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