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Conn's Potato Chips

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Conn's Chips is a local producer of traditional chips in Ohio, United States

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Conn’s Start Production of Mike-sell’s Chips after Purchasing Its Brand Licensing
februari 22, 2023

Conn’s Start Production of Mike-sell’s Chips after Purchasing Its Brand Licensing

Conn’s Potato Chip Company announced on January 13 it has obtained a brand licensing agreement with Mikesell’s and will begin to produce the chip brand in Zanesville effective immediately.
Shearer's is one of several potato chip manufacturers in Ohio (picture updated in 2020).
mei 08, 2008

Ohio boasts second-most potato chip manufacturers in the US

Frito Lay. Ballreich's. Mike-sell's. Conn's. Grippo's. At least 10 potato-chip companies fry and kettle-cook their potato chips in the Ohio, giving the state the distinction of having the second-most chip makers in the country.

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Conn's Potato Chips

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