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National Service for Agrifood Health and Quality (SENASA)


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The National Service of Agrifood Health and Quality is a decentralized body, with economic-financial and technical-administrative autarchy and equipped with its own legal status, under the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, responsible for executing national policies on health and animal and plant quality and food safety of its competition, as well as verifying compliance with current regulations in the field.

It is also within its competence the control of federal traffic and imports and exports of products, by-products and derivatives of animal and vegetable origin, agri-food products, drug-veterinarians and agrochemicals, fertilizers and amendments.

Nieuws over dit bedrijf

februari 21, 2012

Honduras fortalece controles para mantener el país libre de plagas

Personal del Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria (Senasa) fortaleció los controles para prevenir el ingreso de la temida chinche kudzu bug, que afecta las leguminosas, considerando que Honduras está libre de esa plaga. La chinche ataca legumino...
juni 17, 2008

Peru: Senasa presenta proyecto para combatir el gorgojo de los Andes

En el Presupuesto Participativo del año fiscal 2009 del Gobierno Regional de Puno se debe priorizar una partida para implementar el Proyecto “Manejo Integrado del Gorgojo de los Andes de la Papa en el Sur de la Región Puno”, ello con el propósito de ga...