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Potatoes New Brunswick


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Potatoes New Brunswick is a producer-driven organization. They work in close collaboration with industry stakeholders to lobby, coordinate, promote, negotiate and lead the growth and development of New Brunswick's potato industry.

Nieuws over dit bedrijf

juni 08, 2011

Potato Research Centre hopes to breed resistant potatoes

Scientists at the Potato Research Centre hope to crossbreed foreign and domestic potatoes to create a new spud that's resilient to disease and requires fewer pesticides.
april 07, 2011

Detained New Brunswick farmer had been developing market in Lebanon

There is still no word on why Henk Tepper of New Brunswick is in custody in Lebanon.
april 06, 2011

New Brunswick Potato farmer arrested in Lebanon

A New Brunswick potato farmer has been detained in Lebanon. Grand Falls-area farmer Henk Tepper of Tobique Farms has been arrested upon entry to the country that sits on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea.
 Joe Brennan
december 14, 2010

New Brunswick Potato farmers look for market rebound