Vibrating Pre-Cleaner
Eqraft Vibrating Pre-Cleaner separates the produce from undersized products, loose skin and soil.

Belt Sizer
Eqraft Belt Sizer Separates smaller from the bigger sized products in a product friendly manner.

Brushing Machine
Eqraft Simple and effective machine for brushing or polishing agricultural products.

Roller Sizer
Eqraft Roller Sizer is used for sorting of field crops with soil, long roots and weeds.

Check Weigher
Eqraft Check Weigher is used to Checks weight and rejects products when over or underweight.

Ribbon Printer
Eqraft Ribbon Printer is used for heavy duty industrial solution, developed in cooperation with Linx Printing Technologies. Easy to install, operate and maintain for maximum flexibility and traceability.

Big Bag Filler
Eqraft Big Bag Filler is used for automatic filling of big bags with agri or bulk products after manual attachment of bags.

Crate & Carton Filler
Eqraft Crate & Carton Filler is used for deposits agricultural products carefully in crates or boxes of various sizes. When gentle product handling matters, this machine is your ideal solution.