Gedroogde aardappelproducten

december 15, 2009

US Potato use for French Fries processing down 12%;Recovery in processing of Potato flakes

Potato processors in the 9 major potato processing States have used 60.9 million cwt of potatoes this season (harvest 2009), down 12 percent from the same period last year and down 17 percent from 2 years ago. Dehydrating usage accounted for 11.0 milli...
 Pack Expo International 2010
december 03, 2009

Pack Expo 2010: Packaging and Processing combined in one powerful show

At next October’s PACK EXPO International 2010 (October 31-November 3;McCormick Place, Chicago, IL) several new features will make it easy for packagers and processors from around the globe to enhance operational excellence across the production line, ...
november 29, 2009

Closure of Idahoan Foods plant causes uncertainty in Dubois

Closure of the Idahoan Foods plant that employed 22 percent of Clark County's labor force, causes uncertainty for the residents of the southeastern Idaho town of Dubois.The shuttering of the Idahoan Foods plant on Oct. 22 eliminated 128 jobs from a pla...
augustus 18, 2009

Sitios web con información sobre almidón y harina de papa

La Red Electronica de la Papa, Redepapa ( reunió los enlaces de once sitios web con información de utilidad sobre almidón y harina de papa.
 Menu Economics of Basic American Foods
augustus 06, 2009

Potato Dehy Manufacturer Basic American Foods helps foodservice with 'Menu economics'

Basic American Foods, the largest manufacturer of dehydrated potato products in the United States offers a program called "Menu Economics". This program is designed to help restaurant owners and foodservice professionals with regards to menu...
juli 28, 2009

Delaware French fry vending machine startup gets state funding

One of the country's leading manufacturers of frozen potatoes worked more than 20 years trying to perfect a french fry vending machine, with little success. In the 1990s, another company promised just such a machine but foundered amid allegations that...
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juni 19, 2009

Importante instalación de planta industrial

En el municipio de General Alvarado se inauguró la planta industrial de Conasud. Conosud es una empresa de origen santafesino que elabora escamas de papas y exporta el 50% de su producción a Europa y países como Brasil, Venezuela y Japón. Produce más d...
 USDA NASS potato stocks report
juni 12, 2009

US Potato Stocks and Processing as of June 1

The 13 major potato States held 44.8 million cwt of potatoes in storage June 1, 2009, down 11 percent from a year ago but 1 percent above June 1, 2007. Potatoes in storage accounted for 12 percent of the 2008 fall storage States' production, slightly b...
 NASS potato stocks
mei 15, 2009

US Potato Stocks down 10% from May 2008

The 13 major US potato States held 115 million cwt of potatoes in storage April 1, 2009, down 9 percent from a year ago and 5 percent below April 1, 2007. Potatoes in storage accounted for 31 percent of the 2008 fall storage States' production, slight...
 United States Potato Board
mei 05, 2009

The World Experiences US Dehy: USPB Hosts Workshop for International Guests

For the third year running, the United States Potato Board (USPB) hosted guests from select international private voluntary organizations (PVOs) for a workshop to introduce US dehydrated potatoes (dehy) as a sensible solution to food programming. The w...
mei 01, 2009

Mexico City restaurants grapple with H1N1 restrictions

Amid the developing swine flu [now to be called H1N1 Influenza A] outbreak, U.S. restaurant companies with locations in Mexico City are making the best of a government-mandated shutdown of dine-in service.While some operators continue to seek increment...
Consumption of Dehydrated Potato Products in The United States
april 20, 2009

Dehydrated Potato Products in the United States

Potatoes used for the production of dehydrated potato products was down 15% compared to last year and down 23% compared to the same period two years ago.
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april 16, 2009

US potato Stocks: use of potatoes for dehydrated products low

The 13 major potato States held 115 million cwt of potatoes in storage April 1, 2009, down 9 percent from a year ago and 5 percent below April 1, 2007. Potatoes in storage accounted for 31 percent of the 2008 fall storage States' production, slightly b...
maart 19, 2009

Instalarán en Andahuaylas primera planta industrial de procesamiento de almidón de papa del Perú

A fines de abril, entrará en funcionamiento la primera planta de procesamiento de papa del Perú en la provincia de Andahuaylas (Apurímac) y producirá en el primer año unas 324 toneladas de almidón para abastecer el mercado nacional, principalmente hosp...
maart 04, 2009

Instituto mexicano procesara hidrolizado de almidon de papa

Ante la necesidad de los productores de papa, de la región del Cofre y el Valle de Perote, de aprovechar una parte importante de su cosecha que no se logra comercializar, con el apoyo del trabajo científico Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Perote, se ...
februari 25, 2009

Last years closure of potato dehy plant of North American Foods in Glenns Ferry sparks dispute

From 1996 through October 2007, officials say Glenns Ferry cogeneration sold power to Idaho Power under a contract;but now Idaho Power Company is seeking $11.15 Million in damages for an alleged breach of that contract. Gene Fadness, Spokesman for Id...
februari 24, 2009

Procesamiento de la papa para el consumidor. Evolucion y desafios

La primera parte de este documento describe la evolución del procesamiento de la papa. Se hará hincapié en el crecimiento de la industria de transformación en unos pocos actores mundiales, la ampliación de la escala, las tendencias de consumo, el des...
 French Fries
januari 26, 2009

Potato Processors cut back Potato Contracts

The first part of 2008 began as a banner year for spuds."But then all of a sudden in the fourth quarter of 2008, things started to change,"Dale Lathim said, Executive Director of the Potato Growers of Washington.Despite how good the french f...


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