Potato White Mold: how it spreads and how it can be managed
december 06, 2016

Potato White Mold: how it spreads and how it can be managed

The Plant Management Network (PMN) has released a new presentation entitled 'Epidemiology and Management of Potato White Mold' to help growers, consultants and extension agents understand how white mold persists and spreads
Cómo aumentar la producción de papa usando técnicas sencillas (o cómo manejar integralmente la sanidad de la semilla de papa)
november 14, 2016

Cómo aumentar la producción de papa usando técnicas sencillas (o cómo manejar integralmente la sanidad de la semilla de papa)

Esta nota analiza el problema de la degeneración de la semilla, detalla la estrategia propuesta del Programa del CGIAR de Raíces, Tubérculos y Banano, y describe cinco técnicas sencillas para mejorar la calidad de la semilla y aumentar la producción de papa.
USDA clears Calyxt potato modified to withstand bruising
oktober 26, 2016

USDA clears Calyxt potato modified to withstand bruising

A new potato variety that’s genetically modified to withstand bruising has been cleared for commercialization without undergoing USDA’s deregulatory process for biotech crops.
Cornell University receives state grant to upgrade Golden Nematode Lab
oktober 20, 2016

Cornell University receives state grant to upgrade Golden Nematode Lab

Cornell University receives $1.2 million of new state funding to upgrade the Federal Golden Nematode Lab
Experto mundial en virología analiza situación de la papa en Chile (Entrevista)
oktober 10, 2016

Experto mundial en virología analiza situación de la papa en Chile (Entrevista)

El Dr. Luis Salazar visitó el país invitado por el Consorcio Papa Chile. Su visión de la situación actual de la papa frente a los virus que le atacan; las debilidades y fortalezas del rubro en Chile, y sus consejos, en esta entrevista exclusiva.
NEPG estimate for the 2016 potato harvest|: More acres, less production, uncertainty
september 21, 2016

NEPG estimate for the 2016 potato harvest: More acres, less production and a lot of uncertainty

The North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG) expect in the 5 covered countries (NL, B, FR, GB, DE) a lower production of potatoes (seed and potatoes.for starch production not included) compared to last season.

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Resumenes del último congreso de la ALAP
september 07, 2016

Resumenes del último congreso de la ALAP

Con el lema “Sabor y nutrición en un solo lugar”, la Asociación Latinoamericana de la Papa (ALAP) realizaron del 22 al 26 de agosto de 2016, el XXVII congreso bianual ALAP, encuentro que reunió connotados investigadores de diversas partes del mundo, productores, empresarios, extensionistas, estudiantes y otros interesados en conocer más sobre la producción de papa.
Justin Clements
augustus 17, 2016

National Potato Council Awards Academic Scholarship for Potato Research to Justin Clements

Justin Clements, a fifth year doctoral student in the Molecular and Environmental Toxicology Center working in the Department of Entomology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is the recipient of the 2016-2017 NPC Academic Scholarship.
Potato Psyllid Alert for North Dakota
augustus 11, 2016

Potato Psyllid Alert for North Dakota

Potato psyllids have been reported in specific fields in western and central North Dakota. At this point populations are not widespread.
Harvest, psyllids & new varieties the hot topics at Texas potato field day
augustus 01, 2016

Harvest, psyllids & new varieties the hot topics at Texas potato field day

Participants at the 25th annual Texas Potato Breeding and Variety Development Program field day learned that the harvest is underway, that psyllids are threatening unharvested fields and that new varieties are showing lots of promise.
México: Investigan control biológico de plagas mediante compuestos orgánicos volátiles emitidos por plantas
juli 29, 2016

México: Investigan control biológico de plagas mediante compuestos orgánicos volátiles emitidos por plantas

El proyecto consiste en una investigación sobre la fisiología de la planta, involucrando tres niveles tróficos durante la interacción planta-insecto/plaga-depredador.
Weather Continues to Devastate Potato Crops in Northeast North Dakota
juli 27, 2016

Weather Continues to Devastate Potato Crops in Northeast North Dakota

The heart of "Potato Country" in northeast North Dakota was devastated by baseball size hail that lasted up to 35 minutes last Tuesday night.
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Late blight detected in a Western Manitoba Potato Crop
juli 19, 2016

Late blight detected in a Western Manitoba Potato Crop

Manitoba's first case of late blight for the year was found in a western Manitoba field over the weekend.
Dickeya Blackleg: New Potato Disease Causing Major Impact
juli 17, 2016

Dickeya Blackleg: New Potato Disease Causing Major Impact

Dickeya blackleg, often just called Dickeya, is a new disease in the United States. It was severe in 2015 at least partly reflecting hotter weather than previous 2 years when the pathogen likely was present and is developing again in 2016.
New Potato Virus Y strains very difficult to detect with the naked eye
juli 13, 2016

New Potato Virus Y strains very difficult to detect with the naked eye

Several newly evolved strains of the disease known as potato virus Y, or PVY, can render potatoes unmarketable and reduce crop yield. What’s worse is the new viruses are particularly difficult to detect with the naked eye.
Colorado Potato Beetles are munching on in the Red River Valley
juli 02, 2016

Colorado Potato Beetles are munching on in the Red River Valley

According to the University of Minnesota Extension 'Spudbug' Newsletter, it is shaping up to be a Colorado Potato Beetle (CPB) year in the Red River Valley.
Researchers looking for genes to make potatoes resistant to nematodes
juni 29, 2016

Searching for genes to make potatoes resistant to nematodes

Potato breeders at Oregon State University are working to identify the gene that makes certain potatoes resistant to nematodes, which could then be used to create new varieties.
Potato planting in Maine complete after winter dealing with Dickeya
juni 27, 2016

Potato planting in Maine complete after winter dealing with Dickeya

Maine potato farmers have wrapped up planting and are hoping for a good year.


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