Weltech Digital Dry Matter Weigher (PW4)
The Martin Lishman Weltech Digital Dry Matter Weigher (PW4) automatically calculates the dry matter content, starch percentage and specific gravity of potatoes using the weight in water method.

Zeal Manual Hydrometer
Martin Lishman - Zeal Manual Hydrometer is a traditional industry tool for fast intake sampling and measurement of dry matter and specific gravity (density).

The TuberLog is a powerful tool to identify sources of damage and bruising in all types of potato handling machinery. TuberLog mimics the size, shape and density of a typical ware potato and is suited to testing all potato handling situations.

USDA French Fry Color Card
The standard colour card that is used world wide for the evaluation of french fries is the USDA french fry colour card

Potato Dry matter Field Kit
This portable unit is specifically designed for use in the field and provides information on dry matter distribution

Potato Hot Box
The Potato Hot Box is an economic bruise testing device that assists with crop assessment on-farm before the potatoes go into store or for processing

Potato Sizing Squares
Martin Lishman - Potato Sizing Squares is a traditional industry tool for assessing and classifying samples according to square mesh size. 17 stainless steel measuring squares; 5mm intervals (20-90mm) plus 42mm (salad)

Chip Fryer
Martin Lishman-Fry Quality Testing consists of a chip fryer which is ideal for testing fry quality of potatoes. Knowing the quality and grade before transportation or processing ensures peace of mind that contract quality has been achieved and avoids unnecessary and expensive rejections.

Single-Sensor Temperature Packages
Martin Lishman-Single-Sensor Temperature Packages provides simplest way to measure crop temperature and conform to quality assurance schemes.