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十月 23, 2015
Discussing a fair and level global playing field for starch and derivates

十月 22, 2015
Agri food chain partners share best practices on implementation EU promotion policy for agri-food products
discuss the new EU promotion policy for agri-food products which is entering into force on 1 December

十月 24, 2014
Newly branded Starch Europe outlines how starch industry can contribute to EC targets

八月 06, 2014
Mydibel Group installs 2 ha photovoltaic panels at Gramybel location

十月 22, 2013
Europe’s food and drink manufacturers welcome milestone in EU-Canada trade talks

十一月 12, 2012
Optiserve presents its sorting innovations at the Interpom| Primeurs 2012

十月 08, 2012
European Food Safety Authority publishes initial review on GM maize and herbicide study

九月 18, 2012
La salud europea está en riesgo por las grasas trans de la comida procesada

九月 03, 2012