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The Sainsbury Laboratory

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Descripción de la compañía

The Sainsbury Laboratory (TSL) is a world-leading research centre focusing on making fundamental discoveries about plants and how they interact with microbes.

TSL not only provides fundamental biological insights into plant-pathogen interactions, but is also delivering novel, genomics-based, solutions which will significantly reduce losses from major diseases of food crops, especially in developing countries.

TSL is an independent charitable company and receives strategic funding from the Gatsby Charitable Foundation with the balance coming from competitive grants and contracts from a range of public and private bodies, including the European Union (EU), Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and commercial and charitable organisations

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Noticias de esta Compañia

Febrero 22, 2021

Un nuevo gen hace que las patatas sean resistentes a 19 aislamientos de Phytophthora

Un equipo internacional de investigadores, incluido el de WUR Wageningen, ha logrado avances significativos en la lucha contra la infame enfermedad de la papa Phytophthora infestans.
Descubren que las patatas silvestres son claves para aumentar la resistencia
Agosto 14, 2019

Descubren que las patatas silvestres son claves para aumentar la resistencia

Descubren que las patatas silvestres son claves para aumentar la resistencia.
Julio 31, 2019

Cuatro genes de 'resistencia' de tizón tardío en variedades comerciales actuales de papa ya derrotadas por Phytophthora Infestans

Investigaciones recientes en el Instituto James Hutton sugieren que las diferencias genéticas en los linajes de la papa han dejado a las papas británicas y estadounidenses vulnerables al tizón tardío, la enfermedad que causó la hambruna irlandes.
First field trial with GM Maris Piper resistant to late blight went brilliantly
Octubre 26, 2017

First field trial with GM Maris Piper resistant to late blight went brilliantly

A genetically-modified (GM) Maris Piper designed to resist the devastating plant disease late blight has worked “brilliantly” during the first year of field trials, according to scientists of The Sainsbury Laboratory (TSL)

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