McCain Foods (GB) Ltd reviews PR accounts

McCain Foods (GB) Ltd reviews PR accounts
Mayo 20, 2010
McCain Foods is putting its entire consumer and corporate PR account out to pitch as it aims to step up the emphasis on the nutritional value of its food.

The wide-ranging account is believed to be worth about £250,000 and is currently held by Fleishman-Hillard.

McCain, market leader in oven chips, is compiling a shortlist and will be holding pitches in early June. An agency is expected to be in place by July to handle consumer, corporate, trade and crisis PR.

Corporate affairs director Bill Bartlett said: 'We're looking for an agency that can offer us an integrated PR approach to our "It's all good"philosophy - that we're good food from a good company made by good people. It's this holistic approach that we're trying to get across.'

McCain is especially keen to promote the nutritional value of its products.

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