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Allround Potato Processing Line 450 series
Potato Processing Line 450 series
Potato Processing line with a washing area, polisher, shake grader. The washing area contains ​a Destoner when there is a lot of dirt coming along with the produce, destoners are the ideal machines.
Wyma Combi-System
Wyma’s Combi-System is a Destoner, Barrel Washer and Debris Remover in one machine.
Tummers Washing line Destoner/Washer unit
Washing line Destoner/Washer unit
Tummers Washing line Destoner/Washer unit is a stainless steel machine combination for destoning and washing potatoes and tubers that was developed for 24/7 industrial use. Optionally the machine can be set up to separate floating parts (foliage and stalks) from your product.
Allround Potato Destoner machine D-110
Destoner machine
The Allround VP destoner machine is designed to remove​​ dirt and stones. When there is a lot of dirt coming along with the produce, destoners are the ideal machines. The machine can be integrated into a washing machine for an even cleaner end result.
Tummers Washing line for the processing fruit and vegetables
Washing lines
Tummers offers washers/destoners with a capacity ranging from 15 tonnes/hr to 180 tonnes/hr and continues to develop for more efficiency and better quality.
Wyma Flume Destoner
Flume Destoner
La Despedregadora por Canaleta de Wyma remueve piedras de su flujo de hortalizas para minimizar el daño a las hortalizas y al equipo en su línea de procesamiento.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
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tna ultra-clean® OC 3
ultra-clean® OC 3
Florigo ultra-clean® OC 3 conducts separation of stones from root vegetables, including potatoes through a cyclone effect.
With its KW Washing and Destoning Combo, Southern Fabrication Works offers a 3 in 1 solution to wash potatoes and several other types of produce and remove stones as well as floating debris. Shown is the KW 600 A
KW Washing and Destoning Combo
The KW Washer destoner is a thoughtful combination of a drum washer, destoner and tools to remove floating debris. The unit has several options to manage water level and flow, allowing customization to your local conditions and product(s)
Wyma Screen Piece Remover
Screen Piece Remover
Wyma's Screen Piece Remover effectively removes broken pieces, small stones and other debris from produce flow in a continuous process. It has a rotating screen with holes at a set size.
Wyma Tank Destoner
Tank Destoner
El Destructor de Tanques de Wyma ha sido diseñado para separar suavemente las piedras de los productos antes de los ciclos de lavado y preinspección.
tna ultra-clean® COMBO 3
ultra-clean® COMBO 3
Florigo ultra-clean® COMBO 3 is a 3-in-1 cleaning solution for de-soiling, de-stoning and washing root vegetables, including potatoes.
Wyma Cyclone Destoner
Cyclone Destoner
La Despedregadora por Ciclon de Wyma separa suavemente las piedras de las hortalizas utilizando las diferentes densidades.
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Tolsma - Grisnich Cleaning rollers and belts
Cleaning rollers and belts
Tolsma-Grisnich offers various solutions for cleaning the products to be processed. Grading and processing of clean products leads to higher efficiency and accuracy.
Kanchan Metals - Potato Destoner Machine
Potato Destoner Machine
Potato De-Stoner System contains a whirlpool motion in water to remove the dirt from the surface, and an Integrated Conveying System drags it to the next level of processing. Washing and Removal of stones from Potatoes. Holding tank with vertical augur for elevation to feed Potato peeler and cleaning hatches.
Tolsma-Grisnich Desoiler unit
Desoiler unit
Tolsma-Grisnich develops complete dry soil removers that can operate as part of a line or as stand-alone units.
Vanmark Automatic Rock Remover
Automatic Rock Remover
Effective Rock and Debris Removal Minimizes Equipment Damage.
Vertical Auger
Vertical Auger
Vertical Auger is designed to vertically transport and remove rocks from potatoes and other root vegetables. The machine consists of an infeed hopper partially filled with water and a vertical auger.
Tolsma-Grisnich Samro Stone and Clod Separator
Samro Stone and Clod Separator
The stone and clod separator can remove stones and clods from a batch of potatoes, onions or other root vegetables with an accuracy of 95%.


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