This hydraulically driven belt planter is a light, compact machine that is very suitable for quickly and accurately planting a wide variety of seed material. The combination is very short and agile, making short headlands no problem.
This belt planter can easily plant in beds, even on sloping plots thanks to the Hill-Master option. The advanced HMI control makes it easy to perform any and all changes from the cabin of the tractor
- Productos
- Cadena de Suministro de Patatas
- Miedema MS 2000
- Productos
- Cadena de Suministro de Patatas
- Miedema MS 2000

Dewulf es un agente global líder y proveedor de una gama completa de maquinaria en el ámbito del cultivo de patatas y tubérculos.
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Septiembre 08, 2017
Dewulf~Miedema unveils the Torro 2-row trailed sieving harvester at Potato Europe 2017

Octubre 28, 2015
Visit dewulf~miedema to see potato harvesting machinery at the Agritechnica
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