Productos de Patata Deshidratada

Lamb Weston Poundo Potato Flakes
Mayo 12, 2022

Lamb Weston Nigeria introduces Poundo Potato Flakes

Lamb Weston has introduced Poundo Potato Flakes to the Nigerian market and stresses the need to improve the margin in the potato value-chain
Sudstarke GmbHs Sustainability Report for 2020
Marzo 10, 2022

Südstärke GmbH Sustainability Report for 2020

The aim of the Südstärke sustainability report is to offer customers, suppliers, colleagues, shareholders, and site neighbors an insight into how they engage with nature and the environment.
Dale Clemiss new Chief Executive Officer of Idahoan Foods
Febrero 13, 2022

Idahoan Foods, LLC. Appoints Dale Clemiss as Chief Executive Officer

Idahoan Foods, LLC. announced that its Board of Directors has appointed Dale Clemiss as Chief Executive Officer effective March 7, 2022.
Royal Avebe invests in innovation
Enero 31, 2022

Royal Avebe invests in innovation

Royal Avebe aims to grow responsibly and sustainably. To get the most out of the potato, we invest heavily in innovation and creating market value.
Diciembre 15, 2021

Canadá y México han aumentado significativamente la importación de patatas de EE. UU.

Las exportaciones estadounidenses de productos de papa congelada aumentaron un 30 porciento para el trimestre julio-septiembre de 2021 en comparación con 2020. Estos aumentos fueron liderados por un aumento del 63porciento en México.
United States potato sales strong in the marketing year 2020-21.
Octubre 02, 2021

United States potato sales strong in marketing year 2020-2021

The marketing year that ended in June 2021 was unlike any year the US potato industry has ever experienced. With pandemic restrictions ebbing and flowing from June 2020 to July 2021, sales at foodservice fluctuated while retail purchases remained extremely strong throughout the year.
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Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Dried Potato Can Be Cheaper Energy Source In Animal Feed
Septiembre 20, 2021

Pakistan university: Dried Potato Can Be Cheaper Energy Source In Animal Feed

The University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF) scientists found that dried potato can successfully be used as a cheaper energy source in animal feed formulation and can be added up to 30 percent in ruminant concentrate without any negative effect
Launching new sweet potato line and earth-friendly packaging options for potatoes
Septiembre 18, 2021

Launching new sweet potato line and earth-friendly packaging options for potatoes

Progressive Produce grows, packs and ships a wide variety of year-round produce, farming thousands of acres throughout North and South America.
United States potato imports continue to grow
Agosto 27, 2021

United States potato imports continue to grow

United States imports of potatoes and potato products for the July 2020 – June 2021 marketing year increased by 12% in fresh weight equivalent volume and 16% in value, compared to the previous marketing year.
Henk-Jaap Meijer back at Research and Development at Emsland Group
Agosto 17, 2021

Henk-Jaap Meijer back at Research and Development at Emsland Group

Since October Henk-Jaap Meijer is back at Research & Development of Emsland Group.
EE.UU., Europa y Bolivia son los principales destinos de la patata peruana.
Junio 15, 2021

EE.UU., Europa y Bolivia son los principales destinos de la patata peruana

Estados Unidos, Europa y Bolivia son los principales destinos de las exportaciones de patata peruana, que este año se espera que alcancen las 18.000 toneladas, a pesar del impacto de la pandemia de la covid-19.
U.S. Potato Imports Continue to Increase.
Mayo 19, 2021

United States Potato Imports Continue to Increase; More frozen potato products imported from Europe

Strong demand for potatoes and potato products and tight domestic supplies continues to drive increases in imports for the current (July – June) marketing year. For July 2020 – March 2021 total imports are up 9 percent, led by an 18% increase in chips and a 15 percent increase in dehydrated potatoes.
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También te puede interesar

January – March 2021 retail sales: A year after unparalleled growth
Mayo 04, 2021

January – March 2021 potato sales in US retail: A year after unparalleled growth

Potato sales for Q3 (January – March 2021) of Marketing Year 2021 have caught up to the changed buying habits that the pandemic brought about.
Idaho Steel and Kiremko, the 'Go to Guys' for Efficient Potato Flake Production
Abril 27, 2021

Idaho Steel and Kiremko, the 'Go to Guys' for Efficient Potato Flake Production

Flake production is not only a potato process for specialists. More and more potato processors see it as an ideal solution for their sustainability improvement.
Lamb Weston / Meijer: eat balanced, don’t waste food and care about the climate
Abril 26, 2021

Lamb Weston / Meijer publishes sustainability report: eat balanced, don’t waste food and care about the climate

With the publication of the sustainability report 2019-2020, leading potato processor presents its ambitious Sustainability Agenda for 2030
How flavored mashed potato manufacturer Idahoan Foods drives consumer loyalty with new households
Marzo 25, 2021

How flavored mashed potato manufacturer Idahoan Foods drives consumer loyalty with new households

Idahoan Foods saw sales of its dehydrated mashed potato products rise during the pandemic as consumers cooked more meals at home.
Corona crisis slashes Belgian potato industry in 2020. Volume of potatoes for processing lowest in three years
Marzo 02, 2021

Corona crisis hits Belgian potato industry hard: 2020 processing volume lowest in three years

No one could miss it in the media last year: the COVID-19 pandemic hit the Belgian potato sector hard.
Royal Cosun closed 2020 with a slightly higher group result than in 2019.
Febrero 15, 2021

Aviko's parent Cosun posts slightly higher result in a challenging year

Royal Cosun (parent of potato processor Aviko) closed 2020 with a slightly higher group result than in 2019. Aviko had an exceptionally turbulent year. Lockdowns exerted pressure on Aviko’s turnover in the foodservice channel, whereas other business groups benefited directly or indirectly from higher sales in the retail channel.


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