Diepvriesfrites en aardappelspecialiteiten

mei 24, 2022

In Tilburg verrijst het hoogste vrieshuis van de Benelux, met ruimte voor 42.000 pallets friet

Het trekt nogal wat bekijks, het duizelingwekkende weefwerk van staal, dat inmiddels hoog uitstijgt boven de andere bedrijfspanden op Vossenberg.
Insort (Matthias Jeindl) and Kiremko (Ton Hendrickx) join forces: 'This partnership is based on customer advantages.'
februari 22, 2022

Kiremko and Insort: a global partnership focused on efficiency in potato processing - based on data

Matthias Jeindl, CEO and founder of Insort, and Ton Hendrickx, General Sales Manager of Kiremko, are both convinced of the increasing importance of data in potato processing. And their two companies will jointly implement the opportunities this offers.
februari 03, 2022

NEPG: Zullen betere contractprijzen hoog genoeg zijn om in de toekomst de groeiende vraag naar aardappelen te dekken?

North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG): Alle inputs hebben de afgelopen maanden stijgende prijzen laten zien, gaande van energie tot meststoffen, gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en bouwprijzen, maar ook machines en reserveonderdelen!
januari 08, 2022

APH Group sluit miljoenencontracten in China, Roemenië en Saudi Arabië

APH Group, distributeur van landbouwmachines, heeft onlangs meerdere miljoenencontracten gesloten in China, Roemenië en Saudi Arabië. Het betreft hier een drietal nieuw te bouwen frites fabrieken waarbij APH Group de bewaar-, sorteer- en wasserij installaties gaat leveren.
Cold Fusion: Lineage Logistics completes acquisition of Kloosterboer Group
oktober 17, 2021

Cold Fusion: Lineage Logistics completes acquisition of Kloosterboer Group

Lineage Logistics LLC, a leading global temperature-controlled industrial REIT and logistics solutions provider, has completed its acquisition of Kloosterboer Group.
Lamb Weston Meijer: Expanding production capacity with new state-of-the-art french fry plant in Kruiningen - the Netherlands
juli 28, 2021

Lamb Weston Meijer expanding production capacity with new state-of-the-art french fry plant in Kruiningen, The Netherlands

Lamb Weston / Meijer (LW/M) announced plans to build a new french fry plant, expanding its existing production facility in Kruiningen, the Netherlands.
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PotatoEurope Netherlands - outdoor exhibition September 1-2 2021 - cancelled
juli 21, 2021

PotatoEurope Netherlands - outdoor exhibition September 1-2 2021 - cancelled

Due to the current developments in regard to the coronavirus pandemic in the Netherlands and the associated lack of official approval from Dutch authorities to hold the event, PotatoEurope 2021 has been cancelled.
Lamb Weston / Meijer: eat balanced, don’t waste food and care about the climate
april 26, 2021

Lamb Weston / Meijer publishes sustainability report: eat balanced, don’t waste food and care about the climate

With the publication of the sustainability report 2019-2020, leading potato processor presents its ambitious Sustainability Agenda for 2030
Preparations for PotatoEurope 2021 trial fields in Lelystad have started
april 02, 2021

Preparations for PotatoEurope 2021 trial fields in Lelystad have started

The PotatoEurope organization has started preparing the potato trial fields at the event location near the central Dutch city of Lelystad.
februari 12, 2021

Cosun: Licht hoger resultaat in uitdagend jaar

Deze uitkomst is het resultaat van de uiteenlopende impact van de coronapandemie op de verschillende businessgroepen in dit uitzonderlijke jaar.
'No more potatoes for fries needed by the processors? Then we'll cut them ourselves'
november 13, 2020

'No more potatoes for fries needed by the processors? Then we'll cut them ourselves'

The corona crisis dealt a blow to the fries processing industry and that in turn had consequences for the growers who supply the industry.
oktober 21, 2020

McCain Lelystad investeert in uitbreiding en vernieuwing

McCain Foods heeft vandaag de eerste paal geslagen voor de uitbreiding van hun fabriek in Lelystad. Het gaat om een investering van 65 miljoen euro die de productiecapaciteit voor de verwerking van aardappelen met 33% verhoogt.
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Potato Processing equipment specialist Kiremko sells 30 STRATA Invicta® steam peelers in 30 months
september 18, 2020

Potato Processing equipment specialist Kiremko sells 30 STRATA Invicta® steam peelers in 30 months

Kiremko is proud to announce that they have sold 30 of the best steam peelers on the market in just over 30 months’ time. Made in Europe and the US, supplied globally.
New state-of-the-art fully automated high-rise cold-storage facility at City Terminal Rotterdam
juli 15, 2020

Kloosterboer starts construction of Cool Port II, a fully automated high-rise cold-storage facility in Rotterdam

Kloosterboer will begin the construction of a new state-of-the-art fully automated multi-customer high-rise cold-storage facility with a storage capacity of 60,000 pallets in Rotterdam. The building will be finished in January of 2022.
Lamb Weston / Meijer expands its production of potato flakes
mei 28, 2020

Lamb Weston / Meijer expands its production of potato flakes

Recently the international manufacturer of processed potato products Lamb Weston / Meijer announced to expand its business in order to meet the worldwide increased demand for potato flakes.
Cosun potato processing subsidiary Aviko posts highest operating profit ever
februari 13, 2020

Cosun potato processing subsidiary Aviko posts highest operating profit ever

Cosun booked a considerably better group result in 2019 than in 2018. Cosun's potato processing subsidiary Aviko contributed strongly to this result as the manufacturer of fries and potato products achieved its highest operating profit ever
Aviko Potato gaat meer betalen voor lang bewaren
februari 11, 2020

Aviko Potato gaat meer betalen voor lang bewaren

Aviko Potato gaat meer betalen voor lang bewaren. Een aardappelteler die tot week 30 bewaart en alle premies kan verzilveren, ontvangt € 220,- per ton.
Chris Deen new CEO at potato processor Aviko
december 10, 2019

Chris Deen new CEO at potato processor Aviko

Royal Cosun will appoint Chris Deen (52) as CEO of the Aviko Group with effect from January 15th, 2020. Chris will succeed Ton Christiaanse who holds this position on an interim basis.


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