Kiremko and Insort: a global partnership focused on efficiency in potato processing - based on data

Insort (Matthias Jeindl, right) and Kiremko (Ton Hendrickx; left) join forces: 'This partnership is based on customer advantages.'
Insort (Matthias Jeindl, right) and Kiremko (Ton Hendrickx; left) join forces: 'This partnership is based on customer advantages.'
februari 22, 2022

Matthias Jeindl, CEO and founder of Insort, and Ton Hendrickx, General Sales Manager of Kiremko, have equal thoughts. Data will become more important in the future of potato processing. It’s about collecting the data, analysing and then using those data adequately, to improve the efficiency of the processing line.

Ton Hendrickx:
"We are in the process of creating data-loops now."
Matthias Jeindl adds:
"Our partnership already resulted in a loop of our Insort Sherlock whole-potato- sorter and Kiremko’s Strata Invicta steam peeler."
So a long term strategic partnership has already generated valuable results today.

PeelGuard Connect as an example

The Insort Sherlock potato sorter has the well proven Chemical Imaging Technology (CIT) on board, which allows for more than visual inspection and analysis of the potato. By CIT® the chemical constitution of the potato is scanned. Not only visual deviations are recognized, but also internal issues like diseases. Or, in case of the PeelGuard Connect, peel residue.

Ton Hendrickx:
"If you connect those data to the steam peeler, you create a loop between sorter and peeler. The sorter controls the steam peeler, based on the results after peeling. This loop leads to a higher yield in steam peeling, in line, all the time."

Partnership of opportunities

Matthias Jeindl:
"And this is just the beginning of our partnership. Our CIT® can not only detect visual characteristics, but also chemical ones, like dry matter content, sugar content, fat content, you name it. Imagine, fat content measurement to control the fryer, dry matter measurement to control the dryer, sugar content to control the blancher, or combinations of those measurements."

"The PeelGuard Connect is a good start, but we’re only scratching the surface here. The future will bring lots of opportunities to offer to our customers."
The two companies share knowledge, developments and also commercially walk the same line.

Ton Hendrickx:
"Our customers have to benefit from this partnership, that is why we join forces in the marketplace as well. We are confident that both companies offer “best-in-class”-technology, so the fit is obvious."
Guarding for efficiency

Since the introduction of the Kiremko Guard-line, the PeelGuard®, the KnifeGuard® and the OilGuard® have past the tests. The DryGuard is next on the list to be launched as soon as possible. The partnership of Kiremko and Insort introduces CIT® to guarding the efficiency and performance of potato processing lines. At the start, through loops, but in the future this will lead to guarding the process in line.

Ton Hendrickx:
"So the data from peeling will be used to optimize cutting, the data from cutting will be used for blanching, and so on, and so on. The technology allows us the generate these data."

"Algorithms will allow us to use these data. That’s the route towards the Factory of the Future, as Kiremko anticipates."
Pushing for performance

Matthias Jeindl:
"This is how we – as Insort – push ourselves to new limits. And push Kiremko to new challenges. The partnership will stimulate innovation on both sides, because we are able to combine the knowledge of both worlds. In the end, the customer is in charge, they should recognize the added value we create."

"A lot of potato processors are already on the same page: Constant improvement by using in-line-data. So it is not new, but this partnership is a confirmation of the direction our business is going. Let’s join forces."

Kiremko - Insort a global strategic partnership


Read more on the partnership between Kiremko and Insort.

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