


Sabritas is a top snack brand in Mexico. Founded in 1943, it is renowned for the quality, variety and flavors of its products, and serves as the umbrella brand under which PepsiCo markets Frito-Lay products in Mexico.

Sabritas is also the name brand for its own line of potato chips, and manufactures and markets several local brands such as Doritos, Cheetos, Tostitos, Fritos, Crujitos, Poffets, Rancheritos and Sabritones.

Sabritas is headquartered in Mexico City and has ten production plants.

PepsiCo acquired Sabritas in 1966.


Product Types offered by this company



México: aumenta importación de EE.UU en detrimento de producción nacional
二月 07, 2024

México: aumenta importación de EE.UU en detrimento de producción nacional

La producción nacional en México pierde terreno ante la papa importada de Estados Unidos. Los productores temen por la incidencia tanto económica como fitosanitaria.
五月 21, 2019

PepsiCo Mexico announces an investment of 4 billion dollars in the next two years, which includes the construction of a new Snacks Plant in Guanajuato.

The PepsiCo Mexico System, integrated by PepsiCo Mexico Foods and its strategic partner Grupo Gepp, announced an investment plan of 4 billion dollars in Mexico between 2019 and 2020,which includes the construction of a new Snacks Plant in Guanajuato.
五月 29, 2012

Mexico protects PepsiCo subsidiary after attacks

Mexican police are providing stepped-up security for a PepsiCo subsidiary targeted by firebomb attacks over the weekend, official said Tuesday. About one hundred state and federal police are guarding the distribution centers of Sabritas, a Mexican sna...
五月 28, 2012

Lay´s relanza sus populares Lay´s Andinas en homenaje al Día Nacional de la Papa

En homenaje al Día Nacional de la Papa y resaltando la importancia que representa dentro de nuestra gastronomía y la dieta de los peruanos, este producto será relanzado con un nuevo diseño, por la popular marca Lay´s bajo el nombre de Lay´s Peruanísima...